Interesting Firecrafter Facts
Firecrafter Class of 1920:
Francis Oliver Belzer, Carl Ledbetter, Louis F. Booth, Owen D. Burtok, Alfred Franklin, Stanley Gray, Henry Marsh, Eugene Reid, Robert A. Efroymson, George Loucks, Stanley L. Norton, Rex M. Pruitt and Paxton Unger

A Famous Firecrafter:
Did you know Lord Robert Baden Powell received his Firecrafter in 1960. His son was also made an honorary member.

Did you know that in the Crossroads of America Council if you earn Eagle Scout, Vigil, and Minisino you are given the title of "Triple Crowned."

Did you know that High Bark Minisino still exists in Illinois.

Did you know the Firecrafter Program existed in the following States: Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, Texas, and Michigan.

Do you know how it was decided to wear a Green T-Shirt under the Minisino Fire Shirt:

The Minisinos wore their fire shirts for ceremonies only.  In the dinning hall it was considered uncouth to have hairy arm pits showing as the story goes.  The Minisinos would have to wear a T-Shirt.  No, not a white one.  Too plain and after all the Firecrafters wore that shirt!  So the older Minisinos went to J. C. Penny and bought sample T-Shirts in the colors of blue, red, green, and yellow.  The adults and the Minisinos held a "Fashion Show" in the K-Hut at Belzer.  The Minisino Shirt was put on over the Colored T-Shirts and either it was the fact that it matched the green "M" or that it did not show dirt or both caused the green shirt to win hands down.  It was called the "Work Shirt"  The first Minisino to where the green shirt was M John Pratt.

Three Generations of Minisinos:
Did you know that the Lagler Family is a three generation Minisino Family !!!
Grandpa M Art Lagler
Son M Ron Lagler
Grandson M Josh Lagler
note: there is another Grandson Adam Lagler XXX

Did you know:
There are 8,164 names on the Firecrafter Scroll
(as of 2002)

Did you know: Firecrafter founder Chief Francis Oliver Belzer was Crowned Minisino after he died.  Belzer made the program for the youth and did not wish to be bestowed the honor of Minisino.  Since he was the founder, his decision was respected and was never crowned.  Though after death at Camp Belzer, a special Minisino Ceremony was held and Belzer was crowned.  Respecting Belzer's request, on the Firecrafter Scroll it was never written that Belzer received the honor.

Did you know: Firecrafter Founder Francis Oliver Belzer did not want Camp Belzer named after him.  For many years the Central Indiana Council tried to get Camp Chank-tu-nun-gi changed to Camp Belzer, buy Belzer himself did not want this.  After Belzer's death though the camp was renamed. 

Did you know: That a former requirement for Firecrafter was to know the names of everyone in your Troop!

Did you Know: That the first Minisino was Henry "Heinie" Marsh and is patch is still in existince, Check it out Here.

Did you Know:
That another rank of Firecrafter was discovered. It is called "Trapper" and it is a rank similar to Minisino for Camp Post South Plains Council in Texas

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