Angel Card Readings are intended to put one in contact with the angels. It is one of the easiest ways that I know of to contact the angels. Our angels want to help us with every areas of our life from eating healthier, to finding love or starting a business. Of course, the best question to ask the angels is "What do I need to know?" One of the things that I discovered when doing angel card readings is that the angels often tells us what we need to hear. Also remember that you are human and that you have free will. If you get advice from the angels concerning a situation it is up to you whether or not to follow the advice. Also, remember that the future is not written in stone. We have the ability to alter our futures through our thoughts and actions.

I love doing angel card readings. The way that I conduct angel card readings is to first meditate to make sure that I am a clear channel to hearing the angels messages for you. I always ask for God to protect me so that the highest forms of love and light are coming through. Then I take your name and concerns and ask the angels to communicate a message to you through the Angel cards that I own and through my own intuition which may come in the form of feelings, visions, and at other times hearing, or knowing. My goal is to make sure that your questions are answered and that you are satisfied with the results. I believe that if I can be a channel to bring healing to your life in some way, than I have made a difference.

To get an angel card reading, simply e-mail me a question. My e-mail address is [email protected] I ask that you make a donation if the reading proves to be of value to you if you are able to do so. Click here

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