The Product of Sleepless Nights

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Unmei No Hi

She is Unmei No Hi...

I love for the dew drop adorned
Cloak of night's mists and starry hues
Dancing with her orbs of light
Shines something that begs tears
That pale to her sparkling splender...

Excerpt from the poem "Day of Destiny"

Age: 1 1/2 years old, born April of 2001

Weight: As a guestimation 4 pounds

Length: Right around 4 feet

Description: Unmei No Hi (Yes, Day of Destiny isn't part of her name but it is the translation so that's why it's scattered all over this site) ANYWAY... She is aquiring her adult brown/yellow/tan tint which I'm not happy about. I perfer her silver... She is holding out nicely though. She has extremely reduced black and minimal speckling... She is what some people like to call stone-washed... Her saddles are a gray to broze color throughout and have basiclly no black except for some on the side flipped-triangle-thingys... (is there a name for those?). Her tail isn't exactly my favorite of all time- orangey-yellow BUT that's "sorta" what I want... (I'll explain that later) The stripe in her eye is in the middle ("kinda") which makes her eyes look a bit small (weird) although they're really not.

Genetics: Normal--*snicker* R-I-G-H-T!! If any boa, especially her is normal then I'm a Norwigen Blue!
BUT ANWAY, normal and also she carries an anomaly--a patch of purple scales under her throat that look like a "pied" spot.
Well through my grand and extensive research it seems there are a lot of Dumeril's Boas with this anomaly and Lee Barrie seems to have something similar (a white spot) on his Bolivion Amarili.... Sooooo what is it? I have no frelling idea? Is it genetic Lee seems to think it is? (he reproduced his) However, does it really matter if it's genetic? It's a rather small anomoly... Does it spread into the descending generations? Does anyone really care? No, probably not... It may be just like non-gentic striping-- problems with heating.... or problems during pregnancy or just plain old problems... Who knows?
The only way to know is to breed her... I CAN'T WAIT!!!

History/Ancestry: Purchased from a guy (can't remember who) in Virginia (can't remember where)... Maybe I wrote it down maybe I didn't but I don't think I did... Go down to Her Story to get the full DL....

Relatives I Own: None.

Projects Included In: My super light, super washed out, white eyed, white bellied, basicly little tail pattern as possible boa project, and ?????

Breeding History: None so far... BUT I expect if all goes well to breed her to a mystery-male-unknown in 2004 to produce babies in 2005.... *Sigh* seems to far away.... *sniffle*

Her Story: The place: Food Lion, The time: June, Summer '01... While looking in the local classified ads I come across an ad: Boas and Pythons for Sale: BLAH BLAH BLAH Adult female colombian boa BLAH BLAH BLAH... WOOHOOOO I jump all over it! I'd been looking for an adult female to go along with Mr. Snakey for the next breeding season. WOOHOOO AGAIN!! I call them up and YEAH! We make a time to go see the female... She was going for something like $150 or so.... Not a bad price... We make are way down to go get her... it's something like a 2 hour trip or so... Pull into the sub-division lane and see something like "RETIC BREEDER" painted on the truck... Must be the place! We amble on in and we act very cordial then get down to the dirty work... Off we go to the guy's snake room (oh yeah my mother is with me) anyway I look in and go "ooooooo". Lots of snakes = good way to impress me... Well I inquire about the female and ask to see her... Well let's just say this in nice terms... She was the ugliest boa I've ever seen... (GAG GAG GAG) But then naggin on my mind is the thought that if I don't produce in 2002... I'll just die! So I don't know what to do... Then just to extend the occasion... I ask to see some of his other snakes for sale... an albino brumese python (1.0), some ball pythons(2.1), a guyanaXcolumbian cross(1.0), and a (1.0) striped but basicly normal colombian bci.... BUT WAIT THERE WAS ONE MORE!!! *DUN* *DUN* *DUUUNNN* A rather small, silver-gray looking boa... Now, let's get something clear at that point I was far less versed in the wide and wonderful world of boas and I just figured that pretty boas had pretty tails and ugly boas had ugly tails... I had yet to realize how subtle colors and delicate hues can make a snake into a god... In good time I would realize this... but not yet... I deliberated with myself and only after I held and felt her within my hands did I decide I had to have her. I knew she was special....
Oh and by the ugly female was her mother and the striped male was her father... So potentially she could be het for stripe... Although I doubt this quite a bit...
Also, I found out from the guy that Unmei No Hi was the only one born in her litter... It was her and 7 slugs.... THAT'S IT! WOOOHOOOO!!! Well after I paid and left... I put her in an ice cream bucket with holes in it and left her in there for a few days and boy did she hate it! A snake that was perfectly tame just a day before went bezerk when confined like that... I thought she's find it safe in there but I guess not... So I set her up in a cage similar to her last one (ten gallon aquarium) and she went back to her perfectly amicable self...
Actually that was the first time I ever heard a snake hiss... (I had Mr. Snakey for 2 1/2 years before I never heard him...)
And as for the name... well for about a month and a half she was named Chi Chi and Mr. Snakey aquired the name Goku... At the time my intentions were to breed the two and in the Dragonball Series this to characters marry and have kids so there you go... However, I later decided that these two snakes would be a bad pair up... Subtle hues and outragous orange... These two don't go together... Soooo I was off in search of a new name for her as Mr. Snakey got his name reverted.
As a spin off to my Dragonball facination I have begun to appreciate Japanese music... and especially a song called "Unmei No Hi~ Tamashii Tai Tamashii" which means Day fo Destiny: Soul Vs. Soul.... The begining part of the title struck me as beautiful and appropriate because I feel that it was destiny that I came to share my life with such a magnificent creature...
At one time I believed Mr. Snakey to be my favorite but he has lost some of his bombproof temperment during the breeding season... So I haved moved my attention to Unmei No Hi.... Perhaps I could have fixated on the other younger ones I have Spoot and Kitten but neither seem to have the same degree of "tameness" as my Unmei...
My little bit of destiny....

Dark Phase:

Light Phase:

Pics from 5-23-02:

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pics from late summer 2001:

Pic 1

Pic 2

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