These photos belong to what I like to refer to as the "Ryan is Dead" group.  These were taken after parties of some sort (Senior Prom and New Year's Eve I believe).  I find it rather amusing that I have three pictures of Ryan passed out and not a single picture of anyone else, and he wasn't even drinking at any of these parties...




Ahhh Rob, an endless source of amusement for those of us here at Pitt as well as those of us back in West Chester.  Whether he is eating a cracker, pimping some hos, or just playing with butter knives, Rob always knows how to make us laugh, even if it often is at his own expense  <sniff sniff>  we love you man!



Have you ever wondered what it would be like if some of your friends got together and, whether out of complete boredom or insanity, decided to dance around the room singing along with "I'm Too Sexy"?  Well here's your answer:
I see you baby...shakin that ass... Here we see Rose, Tony, Ryan, and Lauren getting their grooves on to the musical stylings of Right Said Fred


This scene here depicts three high school graduates (Brian, Tony, and Pedro) trying to figure out a way to get under the hood of Pedro's car after another friend of ours locked the keys inside.  At this point they've given up trying to get into the actual car and only want to pop the hood so they can disconnect the battery since the lights were also left on.  Through some true ingenuity they were able to get the car open and save the day ("they" being Triple A).

This is Ryan and Tony in a bed (they're very good friends nowadays), I'll let the picture speak for itself...


As promised here are a couple of me.  Some of you might not know this, but I used to have long hair.  During that time I think most of my close girl friends asked me at one point or another if they could braid it, and I always said no.  Well I don't know what I was thinking, but sometime over Senior Week I finally gave in and let Katie do it, and this is how it turned out.  You can see the before picture on the left there as Katie braids my hair, and there on the right is the frightening result.  I told Katie she had to wear her hair in pigtails for the picture, but somehow I think I got the raw end of the deal...
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