In case any of you feel like being me for a day, here's a list of the sites I hit on a fairly regular basis:

- Want the latest up-to-date news on role playing games?  Visit RPGamer

- Are you a big nerd, but role play games just aren't your thing?  Try Slashdot

- You just want the boring old world news?  I prefer CNN

- Need help figuring out a particularly tough aspect of a video game, GameFAQs has the answer, I guarantee

- Just want a good laugh, if you play video games and are sarcastic (what are the chances?) check out Penny-Arcade

- And lets not forget that I do attend classes every once and a while, want to learn more about them?

    - Social Implications of Computing Technology

    - Computer Architecture


Check out some of my friend's sites:

- Patrick (a scary Mac fanatic with a Star Trek obsession, also my roomate)

- Rob (he's got a bunch of great quotes and some more pictures of friends)

- Pedro (lots of pictures)

- Ryan (never updated, but still there)

- Dan H. (a great Simpsons website)

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