Home of (The Original) Firebrand Fox

Originally Posted:  December 06, 2005                                Last Updated:  December 17, 2006

Email:  FirebrandFox at gmail.com                                            AIM:  FirebrandFox 


Note:    Apparently, a second Firebrand Fox has recently appeared on the internet.  Sorry for any confusion this causes, but at least the name is still unique enough for only two of us to have it!



My Artwork:

Fox Look (Animated) Fox Nuzzle Ballad á Vixen Enter Fox Firebrand Fox Portrait Kitsune-style Nightly Wait Fury Victorian Vixen Action Frames

All artwork, including Firebrand Fox and Vixen characters, are (C) me.



About Me:


Thanks for checking out my webpage!  I used to have an overblown personal ad here, but I've decided to simplify this section by refering those who are interested in learning more about me to my OkCupid! profile.  =)  Yes, I do also have a MySpace, but I never really use it.  ^,^;;  Please feel free to email or IM me if you feel like chatting!  My email is FirebrandFox at gmail.com, and I'm usually on AIM as FirebrandFox.  I've also taken to playing quite a bit of FlyFF (Fly For Fun), which is an awesome and adorable free online game - look me up on the Mia server (my username is FirebrandFox, of course)!  =D





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