F.I.R.E. Book Club Bylaws


The following bylaws have been discussed and agreed upon by the majority of the members within the club. Revisions may be made on a quarterly basis, only after careful review and discussion.



  1. The purpose of this book club is to read and promote African American Literature.


  1. A 12 month calendar is established with the name of the host for that month.  The host for the following month will advise the club members of their book of choice the last week of the previous month or at their earliest convenience.  Each member is allotted the full month to read the book. The last full week of the month the host for that month will email approximately 10 questions to the members.  The host for that month will decide how they will go about presenting their book.  You may select one or two questions each day, in which each member will reply to the questions to all the other club members.  During that week the following months host should advise the members of their book selection for the following month. 




  1. Each and every member must read every book selected for the month.  If for any reason you will not be able to complete a book within the specified month, please notify the President and/or Vice President with the situation that will prevent you from following through with your obligation to the club.


  1. After the book discussion the host for the month must provide their personal review of the book and submit it to the web designer to add to the website. 


  1. As well as reading the books, it is a condition of your membership that you also participate in all book discussions, as they are the primary reason we established the club.  All discussion questions must be addressed to all members, whether you have an opinion or not.  Group participation is crucial in the success of the club.  The follow penalties and/or conditions will apply for any member who misses a book discussion:

a.                   A fine of $2.50 per discussion for not participating with a notice (at least 2 weeks prior to the discussion).

b.                   A fine of $5.00 per discussion for not participating without any notice.

c.                    No fine if you do not participate but read the book and give the club your opinion of the book by the end of the discussion.

d.                   A fine of $10.00 for not participating if you are the host for that month and have not given any notice.

e.                   No fine if the host does not participate, but switching with another member (at least 2 weeks prior to the discussion).


These penalties will be enforced for all members.  The President keeps a log of who is present throughout the discussions.  The penalties will be payable with the dues twice a year.  If you incur any January through June then they shall be paid with the dues in June.  Any penalties incurred July through December shall be paid with the dues in December.


  1. If you miss three (3) book discussions without notice you will be fined $15.00 addition to the $5.00 per missed discussion, which is due 30 days after being accessed.  Once you are fined the additional $15.00 you will be on probation.  You will remain on probation for 60 days.  If you miss a 4th book while on probation you will be fined $50.00 and/or asked to leave the club.


  1. We know that issues in our lives that may cause us to need time away from the club and its obligations.  We understand and will support our members through those times. However, we do ask that when situations arise that they are discussed with the President and/or the Vice President so revisions can be made.  Your privacy will be respected if it is a situation that needs to be handled delicately.  One resolution that may be considered would be a leave of absence from the club.  A fee of $5.00 each month will be accessed if you will be absent for more than 30 days. This will assure us of your return.


  1. The recruitment of new members is always encouraged.  Each new member application will be reviewed and discussed by the board.  New members will be given a trial period of 60 days. (Other restrictions may be determined.)


  1. To become a member of the FIRE Book club all applicants must have access to a computer, whether it is a home computer and/or work.  You cannot be a member without adequate computer access.  Typically book discussions are held during the day, Monday through Friday, the last full week of the month.  Therefore, it is helpful to have email access at work as well as at home.




  1. Dues were voted on and will be $60.00 a year.  You may pay your dues of $30.00 twice a year ($30.00 in June and $30.00 in December) or one payment of $60.00, which will be left up to the discretion of each member.  If dues are not made by the end of June and December a fee of $2.00 a month will be accessed. The calendar year for dues will be from January - December.  All monies are to be sent to the Treasurer.


  1. Dues will be used for the funding of the member t-shirts, business materials such as stationary, business cards, web hosting and any other memorabilia we choose to purchase to help promote the club.  Dues may cover is the assistance of travel expenses for members who need help (A written request must be submitted to the President and be voted upon by the board).  Other items to be determined.


  1. Any and all monies spent must be agreed upon and/or discussed with the President.  All large purchases must be discussed with the book club to be voted upon.  All memorabilia must be agreed upon.


  1. Receipts of each member’s payment of their dues as well as any monetary payments, are to be sent to the Secretary for their records, by the Treasurer.  A copy will be provided to the President.


  1. A copy of the bank statement is to be sent to the Secretary every six (6) months.



Board Members

  1. The officers will have group discussions via email, telephone and at conferences we attend as a group. Our goal is to meet as a group in person at least once a year to discuss business and the growth of the club. (Problems, concerns, and any changes that need to be addressed, future plans to better the group, and anything else the members deem relevant.)


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