Tribute to Fallen Heroes
A first Responder would rather die trying to save a life than to die any other way. Still, One line of duty death means one less First Responder here on earth to serve and protect and one more First Responder serving and protecting the gates of Heaven.
This page is dedicated to all the brave men and women who have died in the line of duty. We must never forgett these brave young men and women.
The Lord is My Shepherd;
I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green Pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restreth my soul: He leadeth me in Paths of righteousness for his names sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For they rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.
Courageous and Brave
They hide the fear
As they race to do their jobs,
Not knowing what their destiny may be,
Or when God will call them home.
They just know theirs a job to be done
One way or the other Victory will be won.
To those who have lost comrads
This I say with thankful heart
Prayers are with you each and every day.
God bless you all for all you do for us
And thanks to Angels up above
who now serve and protect Heavens Gates.
Angels Of Mercy, Gods Gift to Us
Resting in the arms of God
We love and Miss you very much
But are reassured your still
Serving and Protecting.
Saw the worst day, met with the very best September 11, 2001
New York:  343 fire fighters, 29 Police Officers, 27 Port Authority Police officers line of duty deaths.

McLeansville Fire Department
North Carolina
September 24, 2002
Sandy Powell
Fire Engine Tanker Overturned.

Houston Fire Department
Kevin Kulow
April 04, 2004
Night club Fire in Houston

Chicago Paramedic, Stone Park Fire fighter
Jeffry Bergstrom
April 27, 2004
Tragic accident: Two Fire Engines collided.
Jeff was ejected from the fire engine.

Many more have died in the line of duty, before and after September 11,2001. The next few pages are dedicated to the names mentioned up above and all those who died in the line of duty. God rest your souls and many thanks for all you did for your communinities.

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