Tribute To September 11,2001
Five years, four months and counting. Seems like only yesterday. The words echo in my ears, "The World Trade Center is no more."
We must not forgett the day of September 11,2001. Nearly five thousand people from all walks of life died that day. Left behind, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives and children. Some to young to know anything about life and death. We must always remember that tragic day and hold the families who lost loved ones in our hearts and uplift them in prayer.
I know I won't ever forgett those who died and those left behind. God bless those families where ever they may be.
            My Prayer

A simple request lifted up to God
Give rest to the souls of those who died
Give comfort and peace to all the families
Who lost loved ones on that tragic day.
Bless them O, Lord with they tender mercy
Watch over them and protect them
Keep them near to thee I pray.

Loving Memory of all those who died:
September 11, 2001
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