Peggy's Poetry Page:
Dedicated to First Responders
         What Are Heroes?
What are heroes? Faith unshaken.
Understanding, patience, Love unmeasured.
An act beyond the call of duty,
Hope, faith, peace of God almighty.
Responding to Unforseen dangers.
Holding, comforting, caring for total strangers.
Running in while others are running out.
God bless the Hereo and what he or she is all about.
                      They Say

They say they are only doing their job,
But, to me , it's so much more than that.
They have a special gift from God
To give to others that special care.
To open their hearts and self they share
knowledge of words at a grief stricken time
To ease broken hearts and help ease their pain,
Knowing their lives are on the line.
Are blessed of God with a lot of Courage.
No, my friends the firemen
It's more than only doing your job.
                   The Extra Mile

Some people don't understand the way I feel inside.
They look at me and say outloud, it's only foolish pride
But oh, if they could see, then they would know
The candle would burn in their heart and the light would grow
For those who gave their time and took the extra mile.

Sometimes that road was hard to walk
Sometimes that road was lonely cold and dark
Sometimes that road was filled with bitter sweet sorrow
But you never ever thought about loosing tommorrow
You took the good with the bad and walked the extra mile

This I know because I've seen it with my own eyes
From the time I was a child, Oh I came to realize
The helping hand you give to keep us safe from all harm
The comfort you give to keep from all alarm
The smile you bring when you walk the extra mile

The way you give at Christmas time,to a family in need
Goes way beyond the call of duty in deed
The way you give to a family that's down on their luck
Making them feel like the boat's not stuck
All because you walked the extra mile

Now that I have seen the way you are
I pray each night God would bless the shoes you wear
Protect you and keep you near to his gentle caring hand
To give you peace, hope and that he to would understand
That you walked with style, that long hard extra mile
                     A Night time call

A night time call comes to the station
Firemen scramble with adrenilin tension
Gathering gear is always a rush
Then go to the trucks with loud spoken hush
Starting the engine they warm it up
And then turn on the lights and sound the siren
Off  to the scene they go not knowing their destiny
To face a cruel bitter enemy---the raging fire.
Unsung heroes we salute you for the endless time
You have spent in a job well done
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