I found this formula last week while searching the web.  I happen to shoot  a blackpowder revolver.  I  clean with hot soapy water">



I found this formula last week while searching the web.  I happen to shoot  a blackpowder revolver.  I  clean with hot soapy water, then dry & lube.  I always noticed that some crystals would grow out of the corners of the rifling and I would clean again over the next two days.

This formula does contain water.  So you must dry and lube after using this formula. OR RUST WILL FORM.

    1/3  Murphy's Oil Soap   - Contains water , vegtable oil

    1/3  Rubbing Alcohol - Alcohol & water

    1/3 Hydrogen Peroxide - water based

Mix.  Use instead of the normal soap.   Each time let it sit a minute to let the peroxide get into the rifling

Then Dry & lube as usual.

This worked for me but the usual disclaimer is use at your own risk. You must dry & lubricate.

Results : I noticed that the crystals did not appear the next day.


Last edited: 7/14/1999

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