I rested my head on the back of the car seat, sighing. “I can’t believe it’s finally over!” The boys had been gone for only one hundred hours, but I desperately missed my Baby.

“I know what you mean.” Said Autumn while slamming on the horn. “You asshole! That was a RED LIGHT!” She took a deep breath and continued on. “I bet you’ve got something special planned for Howie as soon as we get home.” I smiled and laughed.

“No…I just want to spend some time with him…but if he decides to go in that direction I’m all for it. I’m just taking into consideration the fact that he may be dead tired after such a tedious trip.” I looked out the window as the CD reached the last song; ‘How Did I Fall in Love With You’. I sighed and mouthed the words. Howie had written it for me.


“What are you doing Howie Baby?” I looked over his shoulder. He was writing some words onto a piece of paper and scribbling out twice as many as he had just put down. He looked frustrated.

“I want to contribute something to the new album…but I’m at a block. I’ve never really done this before.” I put my arms over his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek.

“Yes you have…what about all those gushing notes you write to me? I think that those are beautiful.”

“Yeah, but you’re expected to.” He grinned. “You are my girlfriend.”

“Yes…that also means that I will be honest with you on the important stuff. And I honestly think that everything you’ve written to me is beautiful.”

“That’s it!” I looked at him quizzically, then he kissed me. “All I have to do is think about what I would write to you! Kitten you’re a genius!” I blushed as he began writing again, this time the words seeming to flow from his pen to the paper. I left the room so as not to distract his thoughts.

He appeared about two hours later. “I’ve done it!” He ran into the room and nearly jumped onto the bed next to me. “Not one, but two songs…just for you.” I read through the papers he had handed me.

“Oh Howie…” I said through tears…the words were so perfect…

“How Did I Fall in Love With You”

‘Remember when we never needed each other,
The best of friends like sister and brother,
We understood we’d never be alone.

Those days are gone, now I want you so much,
The night is long and I need your touch,
Don’t know what to say, never meant to feel this way,
Don’t wanna be alone tonight


**What can I do to make you mine?
Falling so hard, so fast this time.
What did I say? What did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?**

I hear you voice, and I start to tremble,
Brings back the child that I resemble,
I don’t know what to say,
Never meant to feel this way,
Don’t wanna be alone tonight.


I wanna say this right,
And it has to be tonight,
Just need you to know…I don’t wanna live this lie,
I don’t wanna say goodbye,
With you I wanna spend the rest of my life.


What can I do to make you mine?
Falling so hard, so fast this time.
Every thing’s changed, we never knew…
How did I fall in love with you?’

He pointed to the top of the page, “This was how I felt when I finally figured out how I really felt about you. And ‘What Makes You Different’ is a mere sample of why I love you so much.” I continued reading on to the next song…

“What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful)”

‘You don’t run with the crowd, you go your own way,
you don’t play after dark, you light up my day.
Got you own kind of style, that sets you apart,
baby that’s why you captured my heart.

I know sometimes you feel like you don’t fit in
and this world doesn’t know what you have within.
When I look at you, I see something rare,
a rose that can grow anywhere.
And there’s no one I know that can compare.

***What makes you different makes you beautiful.
What’s there inside you, shines through to me.
In your eyes I see all the love I’ll ever need. (you’re all I need oh girl) what makes you different, makes you beautiful to me.***

You’ve got something so real, you touched me so deep,
see material things don’t matter to me.

So come as you are, you’ve got nothing to prove,
you won me with all that you do.
And I wanna take this chance to say to you.


You don’t know, how you’ve touched my life.
Oh in so many ways I just can’t describe.
You taught me what love is supposed to be,
it’s all the little things that make you beautiful to me. (so beautiful)

what makes you ***chorus***

Everything in you is beautiful,
love you give shines right to me (x2)
you’re beautiful, to me (to me).’

I finished reading and wiped the tears from my eyes. “So, what do you think?” Howie asked me, looking more serious then I had ever remembered seeing him. The only reply I gave was wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately, the sudden impact causing him to fall back so that I was on top of him.

I finally broke the kiss and sat up. “Woah…I should’ve started writing a long time ago!” He laughed and pulled me back down onto the bed next to him. “How about some more?” He pulled me closer to him and I happily obliged.


As my thoughts wandered Autumn found her way through the Airport’s parking garage. “We’re here…” she turned off the car, and when the music stopped I snapped out of my thoughts.


“We’re here…we have to go get the guys now…remember?”

“Yes. I’m sorry, I just went off into laa-laa land.” I stumbled out of the car door, still a bit dreamy.

“When are you not it laa-laa land Kitty?” Autumn laughed as she led the way to the airport. As soon as we passed through the doors we began sprinting towards the gates, only slowing down to go through the metal detector. We were still a few gates away when I saw the guys coming through the door.

“Howie!!!” I yelled across the small distance as I ran to his waiting embrace…nearly tackling him to the ground. I began kissing him immediately.

“I missed you too Kitten! Now…could I please breathe?” I loosened my grip on him and rested my head against his chest.

Seconds later I heard AJ complaining, “Now, how come I don’t get such a warm welcome?” I looked over to see what was going to happen.

“Because I’m not the cute one…only Feli does stuff like that.” She raised her voice up at least four octaves, and put her index fingers to her cheeks. “Do you WANT I should be the cute one?” ~~Feli: Believe it or not…Autie CAN be cute when she tries.~~ (Autumn: Shut up Feli…AND DON’T CALL ME AUTIE!!!)

“AHH! NO!!!” AJ pushed her hands away from her face. “I love you just the way you are. And if you ever start acting cute again I’ll just have to tickle it out of your system.” Autumn laughed and kissed him.

Nick intervened on both of the lovely scenes. “Aww…how key-oot! Heh, c’mon you two, we’ve gotta go talk to the teeny bopper ‘zines.” Nick began pulling Howie and AJ away.

“Can’t I come too!?” I whined, not letting go of Howie.

“Unfortunately, no.” Howie pulled his arm away from Nick and turned back to me. “Don’t worry Hun, I’ll be back soon. Just go wait for me in the baggage claim, I’ll meet you there.”

“Alright…” He kissed me and went off to the press conference. I whimpered as I watched him go around the corner and out of sight. ‘I hardly get to see enough of him…’

I laid down across a row of empty chairs in the baggage claim, waiting for everyone to come back. Autumn had left me to fair for myself while she got something to eat. It took a while but eventually I heard screams coming from the hall around me, signaling the return of the guys. I sat up and walked towards the swarm of teenaged girls and pushed my way to the center. “Hey Baby.” I said, putting my arms over Howie’s shoulders.

“Hey, sorry we took so long.”

“S’alright…I know what to expect by now.” I rested my head on his shoulder, sighing.

“You know I just wanna go home and spend some time alone with you.” He rubbed noses with me then turned back to the screaming mob. He’s so loyal to his fans…but I know that he’s all mine and nothing can ever change that.

“Hey Felicia, I think our bags are coming in…could you go collect them before these girls do?” I had to laugh at that…the sad part was that it probably would happen.

“Sure Brian, I’ll guard them with my life and have them waiting for you when they all finally disperse.” I started pushing my way through the mass of teenyboppers when Nick called after me.

“Hey, thanks Squirt!” I whirled around, elbowing some of the smaller ones in the head.

“Shut up Blondie!” I made sure I hadn’t injured anyone before continuing on. The luggage was already going around on the belt and the sides were so crowded I couldn’t find a spot. Eventually I squeezed my way in just as Kevin’s bag went by. I grabbed it and pulled it off to the side, followed shortly by Brian’s, Nick’s, AJ’s, and finally Howie’s (it actually made it back!).

The guys finally got away from the teenies and we sat down to wait for Autumn. I looked at my watch, she had been gone for over half an hour. “Let’s just leave without her.” AJ and I glared at Nick.

“Don’t even go there Nicky.” I said, standing up for Autumn…but I would soon regret doing so. I was sitting sideways on the chair, leaning against Howie when I saw Autumn coming up through the halls…with a box of peanut butter cups! I jumped up and ran over to her. “Autumn, my dear sister…”

“No way Feli, these are MINE!” She popped one into her mouth.

“Aww please!? You know I love those things!”

“And you know I don’t eat these things that often.” The argument continued on, leading into a chase. She screeched and ran behind Nick.

“Um…guys…” Nick seemed just a bit disturbed that I was chasing Autumn around him. “Uh…hello?” We continued, not paying any attention to Nick. He was through with pleasantries; he stuck his arm out in front of him and Autumn crashed into it full force, followed by me slamming into her back.

“Ow…” Autumn was sandwiched between me and Nick’s arm, vulnerable to attack. I took advantage of this and grabbed the box from her…finding it empty.

“YOU ATE THEM ALL!?!?!?!?” Autumn nodded. “So this was all for nothing?” She repeated the action, and I replied by shoving the box over her head. “*sigh* Let’s go.” The guys grabbed their bags and we went out the door with AJ guiding Autumn, who’s head was still in the box.

By the time we had dropped off Kevin, Nick and Brian it was nearly eleven. When we got home, Howie and AJ dragged themselves up to their rooms and I heard a simultaneous creak of springs as they collapsed onto the beds. “Ya think they’re gonna live?” Autumn asked, still wearing the box as a hat.

I took the box off of her head and threw it away. “Of course they are…they’ve been like this before, and as soon as they get some sleep they’ll be fine.” I trotted up the stairs.

“Where are you goin?”

“To bed…it’s late.” I continued up and into my room. When I got in, I saw Howie lying diagonally across the bed on his stomach, obviously where he had fallen. I got onto the bed and lay down next to him; he was oddly still awake. “What’s the matter Howie? You’re usually asleep before you hit the mattress when you get home from something like this.”

“I dunno…I just feel a bit tense, that’s all.” I grinned and sat up, straddling his waist.

“Well, I think I can help that.” I began rubbing his back, gently massaging his tired muscles.

He sighed as I continued. “You are so good at this Kitten…I wish that you could just do this forever.” After a few minutes of this his muscles relaxed and he began dozing off. I moved my hands over to the pressure point right at the base of his neck and began rubbing around it. “AHH! Stop it, that tickles!!!” He jumped more from surprise then from the sensation.

“I know…” I slipped my hands under his shirt and lightly ran my fingertips up and down his spine. His muscles spasmed a bit, but he stayed perfectly still, knowing that if he tried to escape he would only make it worse on himself. “I also know you like it when I do this.” I lay down on top of his back and kissed his neck, nuzzling my face into his hair.

“Mmm…yeah I do…” I sighed, letting my warm breath go over his skin. I felt him shiver as if he had been exposed to a sudden coldness. “God…Felicia…I’m tired. Why must you always do this to me?” He laughed, trying to turn his head so he could see me.

I put my face next to his and kissed him. “Because I’m not. You know I’m always ready to play.” He smiled and started rolling over. I pushed myself up onto my knees so that I wouldn’t roll off of him and sat down on his stomach when he had gotten onto his back. “So…you wanna play?”

He smiled coyly at me. “I’m not sure…maybe if you could convince me?” I rolled my eyes, but got into a sexy sweet pose and looked seductively into his eyes.

“But I may get carried away…you know how much I love playing around to get you in the mood, and I might forget about penetration and just get you off with my hands, or my mouth.” I traced the outline of his lips with my tongue then kissed him, letting my tongue slip into his mouth. “Or you just may cum without me even touching your cock…”

“But you know I love it when you do that.” I felt him hardening under me just at the thought.

“Yes, but what about me Honey? I’m wet already, and if I forget to do that I won’t be able to cum too.” I began massaging his stomach and chest, again putting my hands underneath his shirt to lightly tickle his bare flesh.

His muscles wanted him to jump off the bed, but he knew very much better and stayed put, trying to hold in a laugh to give me an answer to my question. “Well, I’m sure I could think of something.” He moved his hand down to my cunt, rubbing it a few times. I sighed and let a smile cross my lips. His hands were always so warm and gentle.

“Ok Baby, I’ll see what I can do…but you are tired…it may not work.” He gave me a look that said he was ready for anything and I just grinned in reply. I began slowly unbuttoning his shirt, kissing his chest and abs as more and more of his body was revealed to me. Although I had seen this sight many times before, it always took my breath away; his perfectly toned torso stretched out in front of me. “Shit, I keep forgetting how hot you are under that shirt.” I traced my finger along a few of the lines on his stomach.

“Well then, I’ll just hafta stop wearing shirts…”

“Oh no…I want your perfect chest all to myself…” I continued my way down his body, undoing his belt, and the button and zipper to his pants. “along with a few other things.” I could see his already stiff cock poking up under the boxers. I stroked it once and it sprang to attention immediately, causing Howie to moan softly. I decided to make this play session last as long as possible, hoping Howie would give me the same treatment. I pulled his pants all the way down but left his boxers, saving the best for last. I kneeled by his feet and began massaging them too, making sure every muscle in his body was relaxed except for one…I’d work on that later. I worked my way up his legs, his cock getting harder as I went.

Eventually I got to his upper thighs and began pulling the boxers slowly down his legs, his cock sticking straight up as soon as it was uncovered. I bent down to him, licking the head of his cock, letting my hair brush against his inner thighs. Howie gasped and moaned, not expecting this so suddenly after the massage. I crawled back up his body so that my face hovered just over his. I kissed him, long and hard, stroking his cock with both hands. Howie moaned into my lips as I stroked him softly, measured and steady. “Oh please, faster! I can't this much longer!”

I grinned evilly and began kissing my way down his body. I paused on his chest, kissing and licking his nipples, his moans making me want to get this over with and let him have his way with me…but good things come to those who wait. I slowly began kissing everywhere, his inner thighs, his belly, his sides…everywhere but his cock. He began groaning in frustration, but I just kept up my torture as he tried to move his cock into my mouth. I looked up into his deep brown eyes, giving me the pleading puppy-dog look. He knows I can’t resist his puppy face. I smiled and took him in my mouth, swirling my tongue up and down the length of his member.

He cried out, arching his back and cumming in my mouth only moments after I had begun working his cock. I let him out of my mouth, swallowing the cum as he collapsed back onto the bed. He was panting for breath, and I watched his beautiful heaving chest going up and down. “My God…Kitten, every orgasm with you seems better then the last!” I laid down next to him putting my arm over his chest in a half hug. I heard him laugh quietly and like lightning he was on top of me. “And now it’s your turn…” It happened so fast I didn’t have time to take it all in. He nearly ripped off my clothing, piece by piece.

I yelled out in pleasure and pain as he gently placed his hands on my breasts, rolling and pinching my nipples between his fingers. He kissed the valley of skin between my breasts and slowly moved his lips to one of my hard nipples, licking and nibbling it, a hand still working the other. He switched sides, giving each breast ample attention. He trailed a hand slowly down my side toward my center. He brushed my naked cunt only once then pulled his fingers back up to his mouth. He stopped sucking on me and licked his fingers. “Mmm…I’m gonna hafta get a better taste of you…later.” My eyes snapped open.

‘Taste of me?’ I thought, but didn’t have time to vocalize my question because he pressed his lips against mine, running his hands over my curves and around but not on my nipples. The constant caresses were driving me mad and I soon forgot the past minutes happenings. He broke the kiss but kept his hands going, my sexual tension mounding every second. I felt my release coming when he stopped.

I moaned in frustration, my throbbing clit demanding attention. “Now…I still have to taste you.” He kissed down my body, taking extra time to tease my rock hard nipples. I moaned, pressing my head into the pillow under me. He continued down and kissed my thighs before going back up to my center. He laid down between my open legs, placing one over each shoulder.

“Howie Baby, what are you doing?!” I asked him, a twinge of confusion mixed with anticipation in my voice. He gave no reply. The moment seemed to last for hours before he finally began his next trick. I moaned as I felt his tongue outline the lips of my cunt, slowly circling around and around, going farther in each time. When he had gotten all the way in he began moving his tongue in and out of me quickly. I gasped and began shaking, but he held my hips still with his hands, seeming to enjoy this almost as much as me. He pulled his tongue out and moved it to my clit, pressing hard against it. I clawed at the sheets surrounding me, letting my orgasm overtake me, arching my back and screaming.

He lapped up my juices, and crawled back up my body as I relaxed and fell panting to the bed. “Mmm…I thought you’d taste good…sweet, just like your personality.” He kissed me, shoving his tongue into my mouth and I realized what he was talking about. I could taste myself as I sucked on his tongue. “But we have a problem here…” He brushed his fresh hard on against my cunt. “I’m not done yet.” He breathed into my ear, turning me on again. He cupped his hands over my breasts and rubbed my already hardening nubs, causing me to moan. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nibbled on his ear, running my fingers through his hair.

It had barely been a minute before he began again, slamming his erection into me. “Ohhhhh…H-OOOoo-vie…” He began pumping in and out of me…hard and fast. I moved his head over and began kissing him, our tongues swirling together as if one was trying to overpower the other. He brought his hand down and found my clit, rubbing it with his thumb. I broke the kiss, throwing my head back and screaming again as I came, followed soon by Howie. He rolled off and out of me, pulling me next to him.

“I don’t know how you do it Kitten…even when I’m tired you can always perk me up.” He kissed my neck gently. “I just have one question for you…”

“Yeah Baby?” I asked, snuggling myself closer to him.

“Did you call me Whovie?” I started laughing uncontrollably. “What? I thought I heard you say Whovie! What’s so funny.”

“I think I did call you that…but it was your fault…and it’s so funny because that’s what your new nick name is gonna be.” I grinned and rested my head on his chest.

“Now wait just a minute!!!” He laughed, “You’re not serious are you?”

“Yes I am…Whovie.” I started giggling again, shaking the whole bed.

“Oh I’ll give you something to laugh about Li’l Kitty!” He reached down and started tickling my sides. I shrieked with laughter and tried to roll away from him, but he had me in a death grip. “You won’t get away from me…and I know all your weak spots!” He punctuated this by poking just above my navel. I couldn’t talk, I was laughing too hard, and so was he. He held my wrists together with one of his hands and roamed about my most ticklish spots with the other. “Do you give? Are you going to apologize?” I nodded, tears running down my flushed face. “Alright then…” He let up and just held me again, panting for breath.

“God I hate it when you do that.” I said, nuzzling my head under his chin.

“You know you love it Kitten…I can feel you getting wet again.” He kissed the top of my head, stroking my hair.

“No more tonight…I’m getting tired.”

“But I thought you were always ready to play!” He poked my ribs.

I jumped and giggled. “Not when I’ve just played three times…I’m exhausted.” I closed my eyes and pulled a cover over me.

“I know how you feel.” His grip on me relaxed as he began dozing off again. “But I do want to taste you some more…tomorrow night…” He trailed off and began lightly snoring. I smiled and was about to join him in dreamland when suddenly I heard loud moans coming from the room next to ours.

“Oh god…” AJ and Autumn were going at it…two hours after we had gotten home. “Why now when we’re trying to sleep?”

“Just try to ignore it.” Howie said. “It’ll go away eventually, you know AJ has no stamina.” I laughed and closed my eyes again, dozing off into a peaceful sleep. 1

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