Spring Felicia Tafra::: FIRE

Nicknames: Felicia, Kitty, Kitten, Feli

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5’4”

Birthday: 10-25-78

Western Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse

Favorite color: Red

Favorite food: Asian

Least Favorite food: Mac & Cheese

Favorite Drink: Green Tea w/honey, or cream and sugar w/ coffee ^_^

Favorite position: Call me old fashioned but I prefer the normal, girl on bottom missionary position…it just feels the best.

Hobbies: I collect things…anything! I even have an extensive Beanie Baby collection (which my cousin got me started on). I also enjoy chatting on the internet with anyone…go ahead and IM me if you have AOL/AIM; Howie6Sweet9D

Specialties: I’m good with my hands and my tongue…especially in ticklish spots!

Fetish: Umm…I’m pretty much open to almost anything…except anything having to do with pain…*shudders* I hate pain.

Favorite ‘Toy’: Ostrich feather…it tickles, but not usually enough to make you laugh out loud, it just feels really good wherever it touches.

Personal touch: I only wear cute little panties with some kind of print on them ((my favorites are either my black ones with little blue penguins or the satin leopard print))

Bio: I’m the oldest. *giggles* Yes, everyone shall now know that I am the oldest of the Tafra twins by 13 minutes!!! Autumn hates me for it of course because it’s the only thing I can show her up in.
I’m in collage, going for a Bachelor’s degree in Child Psychology and plan on becoming a Child Psychologist some day (yes, the blind leading the blind). Right now I work for a child day care center. As you can tell I love kids! BUT NOT SEXUALLY!!! I am not attracted to young children, thank you very much…I am usually open minded about fetishes…but that’s just sick!
I was saving myself until marriage (or Howie, whichever came first), until of course I met my current boyfriend (who shall remain nameless) whom I’ve been going out with for about two years…he’s just so sweet and playful and romantic. Just like Howie is…*sigh* yes I know, I’m 23 and I’m swooning over a teen idol, the only positive thing about that is that I’m actually old enough to legally screw him *points to all the teenagers and laughs…but hoping they’re not reading this!*. The reason that I’m Fire is that I’m just the warmer of the Tafra twins when it comes to people, that and I’m cuddlier in bed then I let on. I just love the more romantic aspects of sex and love, but those don’t usually make for a good story unless it’s really hot and steamy. 1

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