***Note from Felicia: Ok…don’t even ASK where I got this idea…cuz I’m gonna tell you anyway. Neko (our cousin who takes Japanese) was telling us how to use chopsticks and telling us all the ‘taboo’ or forbidden uses of them…this is the first thing I thought of…enjoy***

“NO!!! You NEVER lick the chopsticks!” Autumn and I hissed at AJ, hoping his lack of cultural knowledge wouldn’t draw too much attention to us. He took the chopsticks away from his mouth and put them down in the hashioki (small stand for chopsticks). Autumn gasped. “Chopsticks should always point to the LEFT…never to the right!” Autumn reached over and turned them around.

“Y’know…I don’t really see what the big deal is…they’re just sticks.” Howie said, sticking his chopsticks into the rice bowl. I quickly took them out.

“Don’t EVER stand chopsticks up in rice!!! That’s a symbol of death!” I sighed. “Sumimasen…uetoreisu!” I called the waitress over to get some ‘western’ utensils for the guys. “The problem is that between the five of you, you’ve broken every taboo of chopsticks.”

“Taboo???” Nick asked, having yet another blond moment.

“In other words,” Autumn explained, “you’ve broken all the rules for the forbidden use of chopsticks.” She took the chopsticks out of Brian’s hair, scolding him. The entire restaurant was looking at us. I turned as red as the sweet bean paste on my plate.

‘Thank god we’re on dessert…’ I thought, eating quickly, but still finishing last. After the meal we walked out into the busy streets of Tokyo, praying that we could catch a taxi. The guys had ((finally)) gotten some vacation time and they decided to let us choose where to go. We of course chose our dream destination, and they were beginning to regret it. We managed to flag down a taxi and were on our way to the hotel when AJ began whispering something to Howie which they both seemed to like…

***Howie’s Point Of View***

Feli and Autumn’s little scene wasn’t the first this trip…it seemed like everything AJ and I did was ‘incorrect Japanese protocol’, and I was just about to stop being tolerant. We were in the taxi riding back to the hotel when AJ started whispering some things to me. “Hey, D. Are you getting tired of all this Japanese shit?” I nodded, “How about we show them some real forbidden uses for chopsticks?” He pulled out the disposable chopsticks from the restaurant and grinned, raising his eyebrows.

“Sounds good to me!” I said, mimicking his expression.

***Felicia’s Point Of View***

“What are you two whispering about over there?” I asked, poking Howie’s side. He jumped, then smiled just a bit too sweetly.

“Nothing Kitten…why do you ask?” I smiled and wrinkled my nose at him.

“I know that look…you’re plotting aren’t you!?” I began playfully tickling him, but he soon switched the roles and had me laughing myself to tears in a matter of minutes. “I GIVE!!! PLEASE *gasp* no more!!!”

He stopped and wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. “You know you never win Kitty Kat. I know all your weak spots.” I rested against him, enveloped in his embrace.

“And for that…” I said through erratic breathing, “I hate you.” I laughed again and brought my hands up to hold his.

“You know you don’t mean that.” I smiled and shook my head.

“You’re right…I could never hate you Howie baby. But I still wanna know what you were plotting.” He smiled and winked with a glint in his eyes.

You’ll find out soon enough.” I shrugged, and sighed contentedly feeling safe and comfortable in his arms. I fell asleep as he softly sang to me. When I woke up Howie was carrying me through the lobby of the hotel, piggy back. I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder again. “Are we there yet?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

“Just a quick elevator ride to our floor and then we’ll be there.”

I smiled and started nibbling his ear. “We play?” I whispered, nuzzling my head next to his.

“More than you know Kitten…more then you know.” He chuckled. I gave him a quizzical look. “You’ll see what I mean soon.” He moved one hand from supporting my leg and moved it back, caressing my ass.

“Ooo…well first you have to help me pack the stuff I bought today…me and Autumn got some special chopsticks.” Howie and AJ exchanged grinning glances.

“Ok…what are you two up to?” Autumn asked, squeezing AJ’s arm.

“Same reason as before Pumpkin,” AJ replied. “You’ll both find out later.” The elevator opened and I hopped off of Howie, trotting down the hall to our room…hoping a surprise would be inside. I slid open the paper screen that served as our door, but found nothing out of the ordinary. I walked a few paces in as Howie closed the door. He came up quickly behind me and started taking off my clothes.

“Howie! Wait…we’re leaving tomorrow and I need to pack!”

“But I need you…I need you now…I’ll take care of the packing.” He whispered in my ear from behind, nibbling and kissing my neck. “You go get undressed and wait for me in the bedroom.” He moved his arm around to my chest and squeezed my breast, rubbing the tip.

“Alright Baby, just don’t make me wait to long, ok?” I felt him nod as he stepped away from me. I walked into the room and stripped, letting my hair fall from my bun down to my shoulder blades. After only a few minutes he came into the room with his hands behind his back. “Now Howie…that was hardly enough time for you to have packed everything…is this part of your plot?”

“You know it, now turn around for a second Kitten.” I did as he asked, feeling vulnerable because of my nakedness…which only made me wetter. He gently pulled my arms behind my back and tied them with one of the silk scarves I had gotten today. When he had finished binding me he slipped another scarf over my head, tightening it around my mouth. “These walls are literally paper thin…I don’t want any one to think that your screams of pleasure are cries for help.” I sighed as he ran his fingers down my sides, going around to my center, putting a finger up inside me. I moaned and rolled my head backward onto his shoulder. He pulled his finger out of me and licked it. “Mmm…girl, you taste like candy…and you know how big a sweet tooth I have.”

He turned around and laid me down on the bed. “I need more…” He lowered his face to my cunt, his warm breath blowing against it. His tongue flicked my clit only once. “But wait…we’re in Japan…the Japanese don’t eat like we do.” My eyes widened when I saw him pull out a pair of the chopsticks. I violently shook my head ‘no’ but he didn’t even seem to notice. “Ever since we first got here, I seem to have been doing everything culturally wrong according to you…I thought you would be happy I had learned how to use these things properly.” He demonstrated his working knowledge of chopsticks by pinching my nipple with it, a moan tried to escape, but the gag kept it trapped inside me. “Now, I just have one question;” he pulled out another pair of chopsticks and put them up me, swirling them around. “Is this a forbidden use of chopsticks too?” I couldn’t answer him even if I wasn’t gagged. The chopsticks he had used inside me were the really fancy textured ones with little grooves and bumps all over them which brushed against my walls, making the pleasure more intense.

I tried top get my arms out from under me but Howie had tied them too tightly. He forced my legs to stay open with his knees, continuing to twist the textured chopsticks inside me and alternating between each nipple with the others. I tossed and turned my body, trying to escape this torment but Howie followed each of my movements. He stopped spinning the chopsticks in my pussy and put one of the others in each hand. Placing one on the tip of each of my nipples he began spiraling them around my breasts very lightly, tickling me with them. I bucked wildly but he never seemed to go off course. He trailed them down my sides and back up my belly to my ribs. I screamed with laughter almost loud enough to break through the gag. He continued this for what felt like hours, then he put the chopsticks back into one hand.

“Now, Kitten, I’ll stop torturing you and let you cum only if you promise not to correct me or the guys anymore…do you promise?” He poked my ribs once and I jumped, nodding quickly. He gave me an evil grin and began pinching my clit with the chopsticks while pulling the other ones in and out of me very quickly. I arched my back and screamed, panting for breath as my body slowly relaxed, coming back down. Howie licked me clean and slowly crawled up my body, ripping the blindfold away and kissing me. “Remember Kitten…you promised.”

I gave him and exasperated smile. “I know…and I’ve learned my lesson…so would you please untie me Baby?” He smiled and laughed, happily obliging.

***Kevin’s Point of View***

I knocked on the wooden frame to the ‘door’ of AJ and Autumn’s room, but there was no answer. I slowly slid the door open, not hearing anything, and started slowly into the room. I stopped short when I saw into the bedroom. “Oh my dear sweet Jesus! I’m sorry!” I quickly turned away and hurried for the door. “I just needed to ask Autumn something…I’ll ask Feli, she probably knows too.”

I was just about through the door when AJ called after me. “Don’t worry about it…you’re not the first. Oh, and I wouldn’t go into Howie’s room either…”

I shuddered as I closed the screen behind me. “Why must I be tormented like this…all I wanted to know was how to say ‘could I have some chicken’ in japanese, and this is what I get for wanting a little midnight snack…”

The next morning Howie and AJ came into my room to explain what had happened last night…and I nearly peed my pants laughing.

***felicia’s Point of View***

“Autumn?” I whispered. We were in the car, on our way to the last stop of the trip; a Japanese market place. Howie and I had managed to get everything packed after out little escapade last night…including his ‘favorite’ chopsticks.

“Yeah Feli?”

“Are we both regretting teaching AJ and Howie how to use chopsticks?”

“Howie punished you too?”


“Then yes…yes we are…”

We wandered through the market, looking at all the stands, purchasing a few bamboo sushi rolling mats when Brian called us over to something he had found interesting. We followed him to a stand that sold nothing but handmade chopsticks. Both Nick and Brian picked up a pair and pinched our noses with them. “Is this a forbidden use of chopsticks?” Howie, AJ and Kevin started laughing hysterically while Autumn and I stared wide-eyed at Nick and Brian, afraid that they had found out what happened the previous night, and debating whether or not to answer their question. 1

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