Skoone News
summer news: ~worked at the dean's office; doing it again next summer
back to home
relationship news: ~single for awhile :o)
work news: ~currently holding 4 positions on campus: RA (2nd year), accounting office student assistant, dean's office student assistant, crew manager (find me if you can)
how the seasons change
winter news: ~man i cant wait for christmas break...
spring news: ~nothing yet. except my birthday of course.
fall news: ~class and work consume my life...
i love my posse. i cant wait for the abroad kids to get back (oh the madness)
woo old friends, too (damn you brian)

caitlin (caits), neal (nealykins), leslie (polo),
BRIAN (schratzy),  caroline (struss), joe (j-oe), nate (nater nater), gail, tony (T), ashely (gerface), sean, caroline, helen, laura, kim (elfin), jenn (jennypoo), meg (roxy), carina, sara (jugs), anne, steph, amanda, garth, jocelyn (jo), gwynn (gwynie), debbie, julia (juli), dustin, sam
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