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Irish People

Meet The Deacon Family,
This family was there for me personally on my first two trips to Ireland. They are such a special family that loves the Lord. I really love them and all of their children.

Irish People

Meet Some Pastors
Here is a picture of me with just a few of the pastors that came together for a special event with Fire Ministries.


Irish People

Meet More Families
There are so many families that love Fire Ministries and are so precious to the Lord.

Irish People

How can you name or show pictures of all the wonderful Irish people that have touched Fire Ministries and my life personally?

Meet The People

Irish People
Irish People

Meet The Harper Family
HThis family has a long history of serving Jesus in Ireland. They are one of the most precious families you will find in Ireland.

Irish People

Meet Some Friends
Here are some Irish friends of mine.

Irish People

Meet Some Teens
These are some of the many Irish teens who have a hunger for more of Jesus.

Irish People

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