On the 6th of April 2000 two of the FirE members,Wendy and Daphne,went to the city of Rotterdam with only one mission…to meet Five!


It was about 6 o’clock when we arrived at the arena where the meet and greet was about to take place.All the other fans,that were standing outside to catch a glimpse of the lads,were shooting us loads of envy glances when we walked past the security and inside the backstage-area,passing Five’s golden tourbus along the way.To both Daphne’s and my own surprise the security didn’t even look what we had in our bags,nor did they search us for any weapons,something that’s pretty strange concidering that normal concert-goers always get checked!We were brought to a large room,which reminded me more of the lounge of a hotel with its comfortable chairs and small tables.Two or three other fans were already there,all of them clearly nervous.Daphne and I took a table at the back of the lounge so we were able to watch the corridor,where the boys would be coming from,all the time.We just sat there for 10,20,30 minutes,listening to the music that was playing inside the arena and to the hysterical screams of the fans,that could be heard every now and then.Suddenly someone appeared at the corridor and when I took a better look I realized it were J and Sean,both dressed in huge bomberjackets and baggytrousers.I told Daphne about it but she wasn’t able to see them there because she was sitting slighty behind me.Actually,I think she had the idea I was playing a trick on her!
Soon both of them were out of sight again and we were back into the boring reality of waiting.Daphne and I decided to spice things up a bit and started to do one of our famous and wonderful dances to Mousse T’s Horny ’98.Only at that moment Abs entered the room and he looked at us in confusion and despair.The poor lad must have thought that we were some kind of crazed stalkers or anything!Luckily “our” first Fiver treated us in a very cool way!
Abs was a very nice person,probably one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life (and believe me,I met many!),talking 500 words per minute.Abs was just like you would imagine him,although he (just like the rest of the lads) is a whole lot more goodlooking in real life than on the telly!The only thing about him that I still don’t get is his dress-sense : he was wearing dark blue baggytrousers with white spots,a top with the same design and a black cap and he kept on tripping over the legs of his trousers all the time!
I gave Abs the present I had bought him and on the giftwrap I had written the following message:

“Gotcha!This time we will trick YOU!”

Ya’ll probably know Abs’ reputation of being a pain in the a**e sometimes and we decided it was time he got teached a lesson,but our dear Abs just refused to open it up cuz he was scared some kind of animal would jump out!But I do bet that he and the other lads had a good laugh that evening after opening the present and finding out that it were just a pair of handcuffs!
I also had the chance to ask him how he felt about all these hundreds of fans that came especially to see Five live in concert.Abs told me that the attention was still a bit scary sometimes and that he felt terrified every night before the show,although performing is the best feeling in the world for him.Bless him!I think it was very cool of him to be so honest to me cuz most people in the music-bizz lie about everything they get asked!
The last thing Abs did was having a laugh along with me as Daphne dropped her pressie for Rich!(Sorry Daph,but it WAS funny!).
After Abs had left we met Ritchie,and yes,his eyes really are THAT blue!He was wearing his glasses that day and I reckon that makes him a whole lot more sexy!Rich was friendly but a little more quiet than Abs,something that’s not bad at all!I kept myself a bit at the background cuz Rich is Daphne’s fave and I just wanted her to have a little privacy with him,just like she had done with me and Abs.Rich absolutely loved the poem Daphne and me had worked on for a week and I was totally happy for her when Rich gave her a hug and a kiss (but darn,why didn’t he kiss me,too!?).
Our mission continued with Scott,the fave Fiver of probably 75% of the fans.I had always been having the idea that Scott would be very chatty and hyper but nooooo,our Scottie was having a bit of a bad mood!He never said a thing to us,he just signed our posters and that was it!He still was pretty goodlooking in person,although he’s not my type,but I really think it was a shame he was having that odd mood.Perhaps he had been fighting with Kerry over the phone or anything,I don’t know,but I do think he could have been a bit more friendly to the fans.
And then there were only two more to go.In the corner of my eye I was able to see something green running our way (keep that word “running” in mind) and to my total shock it was Sean!Yes,Sean Conlon came RUNNING our way!He was taller than I had expected and that was having some benefit for him cuz he almost disappeared into my top!First of all you must know that my outfit for the occasion wasn’t *ahum* covering it all up very well but I had never imagined that I would have a Fiver in my top!Don’t get me wrong,I’m not telling this because I want to make anyone jealous or anything,it’s just the truth!Anyway,I did feel a bit embarresed by it all,although I don’t mind to get attention,it was just a bit too much,if you know what I mean. Sean was nice but not as relaxed as I had imagined him.He was talking pretty much,maybe even more than Rich,and he certainly wasn’t shy!
And then it was time to meet “my” baby…or so I thought.I saw J standing in a corner,all by himself,and right at the moment I wanted to make my way over to him a whole bunch of reporters jumped on him,one of them even pushing me aside!They all wanted to know about his relationship with Melanie C,something that had just been confirmed,and on their mission for answers they even pushed all the fans AND security out of their way!Soon Rob Barned saved him,but that was the last thing I saw of J.I never got to meet him,I don’t even have his autograph! At first I blamed him for it,then the security cuz they had been so stupid to let the paparazzi in,and in the end I even blamed myself for not trying to find him earlier.But well,I still have the hope that one day I will meet them again.
All together the meet and greet was an unforgetable experience,although some dreams did come true and others were crushed.Of course I would do it all over again but I would definitely do it differently!


Imagine: You’re already waiting for about 45 minutes, when suddenly your mate says(excited):”There they are!” You turn around to see…nothing. That was exactly what happened to me. Then you think A)she’s crazy;B)too much excitement;C)her fantasy’s on the run. Well with me it was a moisture of these thoughts but C was the strongest, and so I said. But then, as I still was turned around, I suddenly see two well-known persons:J and Sean! A couple of minutes later they finally really came in and after a deep sigh”Yeah if we really have to” we joined the other excited fans. I couldn’t help noticing they were so little. Perhaps it has something to do with me as I was taller than them all and I was wearing my sneakers so that couldn’t be it.(Well yeah I’m 1.80m so that IS quite tall certainly for a girl).
The first to see us was Abs. (And I remember Dee saying”OMG, what’s he wearing?!”She was right. I still haven’t figured it out) He was really sweet and talked about 200 words a minute, but you could tell he’s a really nice lad, and I understand why all in 5ive like him even if they don’t admit ‘cuz he’s not a person you can hate.(And there’s really one thing I’d like to add to Dee’s report:I went away to grab a pen and I asked Dee to held the pressies for me. But , no sarcasm here I swear, I should known better ‘cuz she didn’t get it right away so they dropped well they still lived anyway and you gotta give SOME people SOMETHING to laugh about hnn?)
Then there was Ritchie. He was looking SOOO good with his glasses! I think he always should wear them . Yeah, his eyes are really that blue! He was a real sweetheart and was smiling all the time, but you can see it’s a real smile and not a fake one like a lot of people have. Dee and I had made him a poem in a frame. I wrote it, and therefore he embraced me. I actually didn’t realise it fully until he kissed my cheek and I could smell a strong(VERY strong) scent of CK one. He said:”Bless you.” Thanks. I’m a blessed girl. (Dee says it affected me though. She thinks I have a “Rich-smile” and everytime I seem to have it she slaps my face!)But he was lovely and I’m now a even bigger fan of him, he’s REALLY cute! Then a SOMETHING appeared in our field of vision. It was green, fast and said”Hi luv”. Guess what it is and it’s NOT David Copperfield! It was the only …Sean Conlon. He was so nice and all, but I do think he’s really shy and that is why I think it is so good of him to do this job ‘cuz actually you can’t be shy doing this. Later on Dee said he was almost with his nose in her decollete but I didn’t see ‘cuz my thoughts were, erm, somewhere else.(Why does that girl have all the luck?Nobody ever did that with me, but alright, I don’t HAVE much of a decollete).
Next was Scott. I think he was ill because he didn’t say a word and looked really pale and destracted. (By the way I fell ill afterwards so I guess he infected me. Anybody out there interested in some Scott bacteria?) He was really skinny I saw and I wondered were the tabloids have it from he’s growing fat. As I see it that would only be good.
Unfortunately J walked away before we could see him. I really felt sorry for Dee because she likes him best. I mean, I had seen the one I like most.
I think all taken it was really great to see the best popband in the world and they were nice as well, so we can dream on. I must say it’s a bit scary at first, I mean what if they don’t turn out to be as you think? Then you DO have a broken dream, but I certainly haven’t. As a bad ghost in a flopped horromovie would say:”The game hasn’t ended, it has only just started…”

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