On this page you will be able to keep track on our updates.


Hey ya'll!
This is our first update in the new year!Hopefully 2002 will bring some better times than '01 and I hope you all will have a wicked year full of love,adventure and happiness!But anyway,coming to our updates.We've got three new chapters of 'Movin' On' and a new Scott story by Daphne called 'Temptation'.Our next update will contain new parts of 'Bloody encounters' and the ending of a few stories,but that for the next time!Hope you'll enjoy this update and c u next time!
Love,peace and still loads of Five,Dee


Hey ya'll!
Today’s update is pretty small when it comes to stories but all together it are 10 chapters,so that’s pretty good.And our next update will be a bit bigger!
But anyway,today we can offer you chapters 3-5 of “Movin’ On”,parts 8 and 9 of “Tears”, chapters 10-12 of Daphne’s story “Partners in Crime” and the third part of “Dreamz”.
We’ve also got a few new links for you on our “Links” page so we hope you’ll check them out and send the owners some nice feedback!
Well,that’s all for today.Hope you’ll enjoy the fiction!
Love,peace and still loads of Five,Dee


Hey ya’ll!
I know it’s taken me a while but here finally is the next update.We have the LAST chapter of “Keep on movin’”,but don’t be sad,we also have the first two chapters of it’s sequel “Movin’ On”!Yes,the lads and girls from “KOM” are back so get ready for a few new crazy adventures!Then we have got two new parts of “Bloody encounters”,Daphne’s short new story “Second Chance” and,thanks to Maya Ketter,the amazing final of “Control my mind”.
Then another chapter of X’Nedra’s story “2Faced”,chapters 6 and 7 of my fiction “Tears” and two new parts of our mate Karen’s story “Flatmates”.
Alright,that’s it for now.I hope you all will enjoy this update,even though you’re probably a bit sad that the band has split up now.But let’s not forget this is fiction and we’re still allowed to dream,right!?
Love,peace and still loads of Five,Dee


Hey ya’ll!
Well,here’s our final update before I leave for a well deserved holiday.I have to admit today’s update isn’t anything major but I’m sure it’ll keep you happy for a few hours.
We’ve got chapter 12 of ‘Keep on movin’” and the story is almost finished!One more chapter to go so keep hanging in there!We also have the final chapters of ‘Wish me well’ and Daphne’s Rob Barnes’ tribute ‘One step closer’.Plus we have a new story by one of our dear mates X’Nedra.The story is called ‘2Faced’ and it’s a comedy type of thing mainly about J but it also includes the other lads so get reading NOW!
Alright,that’s all for today.One final word about the ‘splitting up’ rumours.Just realize that if there really was something going on the lads would have told us already and wouldn’t be so stupid to bring out a new album AND single!Believe what THEY say and not the tabloids!
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee
p.s. Happy birthday to Rich!You are becoming an old bastard now!LOL

22ND OF JULY 2001

Well,another update for all you people out there,although it’s a pretty small one,cuz we had some important stuff to do like…meeting some certain lads form the U.K.!But more about that with our next update…
Back to this one,we have chapter 2 of “Dreamz”,parts 8 and 9 of “Partners in Crime” and the final two chapters of “A page from the book of love”.Then we have chapter 4 and 5 of “Wish me well” and a “Behind the scenes” about “Sean’s Switch”.
And now I need your HELP!Remember my story “Control my mind”?Well,I have a complete writer’s block when it comes to that story,so bad that I have no clue whatsoever for future chapters.So if YOU have any ideas or wanna finish the story for me,please let me know by emailing to [email protected].Of course you will get full credit for it!
Finally I wanna congratulate Scott and Kerry with the birth of little Brennan.Welcome to the Five family little one!
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee

1ST OF JULY 2001

I know it's been a while since our last update but being very busy at school we just had no time to update.But since it's SUMMER now we have all the time in the world for fun stuff again!
Anyway,let's get on with the updates.
For all you Sean fans out there we have the FINAL chapter of "Sean's Switch",and the story is taking some surprising turns!We also have chapter 11 of "Keep on movin'" and the 13th part of my horror fic "Bloody encounters".Daphne wrote an epilogue to "Sunshine" so all you Rich lovers can stop worrying about what has happened to him!She also wrote the next part of Rob Barnes tribute "One Step Closer" and a small explanation to "Dreamz" so the people who aren't really 'into' the whole Arthurian Legend will be able to understand the story a bit better.And last but not least we have chapters 2 and 3 of our mate Karen's wicked story "Flatemates"!
By the way,did you all see Five's performance of "Lets' Dance" on TOTP?I really have to say I LOVE the song and respect the lads a lot for finding a totally new sound,which has never been heard before!Can't wait for the video to come out!
Anyway,I gotta go again.Expect an update in two weeks time again.
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee

27TH OF MAY 2001

I'm sorry this update is a week late but I'm been terribly busy (with your boyfriend!-Daphne).But anyway,here I am again with THREE new stories!
The first one is a mysterious kinda thing again called "Wish me Well" and it involves the deep bond between J and Sean.The second story is based on the legend of King Arthur and written by Daphne.It's called "Dreamz" and it's pretty good.
The third fic is written bu one of our mates,Karen,and it's a comedy with the name " Flatmates".Thanks for sending it to us mate!
And of course we have the 'regulars',chapter five of "Sean's Switch",chapter 10 of "Keep on movin',the seventh part of "Partners in Crime",and the FINAL part of "Sunshine".
That's all for now again.The final thing I wanna say is 'good luck' to J and his girlfriend Dani who have just moved in together (you see Daph,I don't hate her!)!
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee

6TH OF MAY 2001

Today we can offer you chapter 2 of "X-treme decisions",the next part of "Tears" and a new chapter of "Partners in Crime".We also have two new parts of Tamara's story "We will kill you" and the thing you've all been waiting for,the LAST chapter of "Hero of pop".And last but not least we have chapter 3 of "A page from the book of love" and Daphne's point of view from the time we met Five back in April last year.
By the way,have you heard that the lads are going to do a cover-version of a Grease song.I don't know whether to be happy or extremely sad,but hey,decide for yourself!
Well,that's all for today.
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee

22ND OF APRIL 2001

Today we have quite a large update for you,including chapter nine of "Keep on movin'",the nest chapter of "Partners in Crime" and the second part of new story "One Step Closer".We also have a longawaited new chapter of "Tears",part 6-10 of Lauren's "World Exclusive" and new chapters for both "Control my Mind" and "Sunshine".But that's not all.For all of you who wanna know where we get our inspiration for the stories from,we have "Behind the Scenes",a small peek inside FirE's 'Fiction Kitchen'.I also kicked the "Rating System" off and replaced it with "Info on our Stories",which contains all you need to know,from author to maincharacters.Alright,that's all for now and don't forget to check the explanation for "The Killer"!
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee


Still being in the party-mood we have two more new stories for you to enjoy,both written by Daphne.One of them is a romance starring Rich and is called "A page from the book of love",the other one a thriller with the name "One Step Closer".We are also a bit sad cuz we've ended two of our fics,Loz's "When I Remember When" and my 'baby' "The Darkness".We also try to make you smile again with a new chapter of "Partners in Crime" and for all you Sean fans out there we have chapter four of "Sean's Switch".
And please people,try to solve "The Killer" cuz we really wanna know what you think of it!
That's all for today.
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee

25TH OF MARCH 2001

Today's a VERY special update because our site exists for one year!To celebrate that wicked fact we only offer you totally new stories : "World Exclusive",Lauren's first comedy story,"Coming Home",a new fic by me and "The Eyes of Evil",a short but very special story by Daphne.We also have "X-treme Decisions",a story about an upcoming band who would do anything and everything to take over Five's throne,and finally the first interactive Five Fan Fiction "The Killer",where we ask YOU to find out which one of our fave lads would be hard enough to...kill someone!Plus you can win the maincharacter in our very new and very cool story if you are certain you can solve the riddle,so watch out for that!
Alright people,that's all for now.Enjoy the party lay-out and the updates.Thanks to all those who took time to email us and sign the guestbook in the past 12 months.We love you!
And last but not least I would like to take a few seconds to wish Marilyn,J's mother,and all of her family and friends strength and hope.I know myself how hard it is when someone that's very close to you is seriously ill and me and all other all other Five fans wish that everything will work out the way we all hope.
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee

10TH OF MARCH 2001

Today we bring you the long awaited 8th chapter of our award winning story Keep on movin’,but of course that’s not all!We have chapters 6 and 7 of Loz’s When I remember when,two new parts of The Darkness and one of my one and only Sean story : Sean’s Switch.We can also offer you some comedy today,for example chapter 3 of Partners in crime and two brand new chapters of Doctor Love plus something a little more serious : part 5ive of Control my mind.
Anyway fellow Five fans,we only have two more months to go before our fave lads release their new single and it looks like it’s going to be something raw ‘n’ raunchy so keep your eyes open for that!
That’s all for today but don’t forget that in two weeks time we’ll have a very special update cuz then our site excists for ONE YEAR!Hurray!Look out for some special and exclusive stuff to celebrate our “birthday”,including…well,you just have to wait and see!
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee


Hello ya'll!
Happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you.Happy birthday dear Daphne.Happy birthday to you!
Well,as you can see Daphne is celebrating her 17th birthday today but that's not all because we've got updates again!Today we can offer you one new story by Daph called Anne Claire and it's based on a Guano Apes song and I still don't get how she can listen to that crap but anyway,she keeps telling me the same about my hiphop,so...Erm,we have two new chapters again of the Darkness,one long awaited new part of Hero of Pop and a new chapter of Tears.We also have a new chapter AND look for Sunshine and last,but not least,a new part of Control my mind.And,tata,we've won two awards again!You can check them out on our "awards-page" (where else?).Oh yeah,and one final shout-out to my beloved J,who's got the flu.Get better soon baby!
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee


Hello ya'll!
First of all I’d like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Scott And Kerry cuz they are expecting their first child!I hope everything will work out the way they’ve planned and that little Remy/Jordan will be healthy!
Anyways,today’s updates are two new chapters of The Darkness,the LAST two chapters of Tamara’s great story I’m watching you! and the third,fourth and fifth chapter of Lauren’s sad,sad fic When I remember when.We also have TWO new stories,one by Lauren called Breaking my heart and one by myself,called Mysterious,which is a short story.That’s all for today!Hope you like the updates and please send us some feedback!
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee


Hello ya’ll!
I know it’s late but “a very happy new year” to everyone!Well,as you probably already noticed,we have a new look!But noooo,that’s not everything.We also have a new writer!Yep,the rumors are true.Her name is Lauren and you can read the first chapters of her amazing story When I remember when right now!What else have we got…we got chapter 2 of Daphne’s great Partners in crime,chapters 5ive and six of The Darkness and chapters three to six of Tamara’s wicked story I’m watching you!And finally…drumroll,please…there’s the 12th chapter of Bloody Encounters!Yes,the vampires are back and this time for good (that reminds me of an old Take That song)!Anyway,we hope you’ll enjoy today’s updates and please let us know what you think of the new look!
Love,peace and loads of Five,Dee

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