They Wrote The Gospels
by Barbara Philbrook

They wrote the Gospels for you and me,
and they've been passed on down through history.
Each man writing what was needed by his own,
and still that diversity in humanity is well known.

By each man writing as led in his heart,
every person today finds the wisdom God wants to impart.
For as we search there is one fact so plain to see,
they each say the same thing though written differently.

Matthew wrote to the Chosen saying the Messiah had indeed come,
and that Heaven not here was Jesus' Kingdom.
Mark tells of the Savior who came here to serve,
 not to be ministered to as He so aptly deserved.

Luke the scholar with his analytical mind,
relates to every prophetic message of old he could find.
John wrote and showed us The Father's great love,
as demonstrated by the Savior whom He sent from above.

They all wrote in their own particular style,
but of whom they were writing there is no denial.
If you want to know Jesus and understand true love,
read the Gospels they're inspired by God up above.

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