There's Victory in Praise
by Barbara Philbrook

There's victory in praise or so my Bible teaches,
I've also heard it reiterated by many Preachers.
Praising the Father with all of your heart,
brings about the greatest joy in which you will ever take part.

God revels in the praise we offer to Him,
even more so when we are facing times that are grim.
Anyone can praise when all is going well,
but praise during adversity has so much more to tell.

So no matter what you are facing no matter how severe,
remember that praising brings you and God so near.
No matter how tempted you are to lash out,
lift you arms in Praise and Glory as Jesus' name you shout.

We may not know the answers but we are assured He does,
and He is the fairest that there ever was.
Give Him the Glory Praise His Holy Name,
for if we knew what He does we would do the same.

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