Father, They're Hurting
by Barbara Philbrook

Father they're hurting and there's nothing I can do,
so I come here to present each to you.

I ache for the sorrow that is tearing them apart,
Father please mend their aching heart.

I worry over those contemplating suicide,
depression is devastating once allowed to abide.

Demons lying to each to get them down,
making them think that in death they'll abound.

Let them see that in You there is hope,
if they'll but surrender You'll help them to cope.

Show them the Truth written in Your Word,
reveal to them the things they haven't heard.

Pull at their hearts beckon each of them in,
so their new lives in You can begin.

Reveal the secrets of Calvary's Cross,
and that Jesus died so that they needn't be lost.

Father they are hurting and filled with sorrow,
please revel to them Heaven's tomorrow.

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