The Time
by Barbara Philbrook

The time has come when we must all be submitted,
those of us whom to our Lord are committed.
It is the time when Spiritual Warfare is heightened,
in hopes that the weaker of us will not be enlightened.

Or that we will be oppressed into doubting our Salvation,
or fooled into thinking we're above temptation.
We must daily submit to our Heavenly Father,
because the enemy will be attacking us even harder.

We must put on the Armor of God for our protection,
and listen to the Holy Spirit's introspection.
We must determine deep within our heart,
how much we desire to serve God and do our part.

We must not allow the enemy to distract us,
by coming into our lives and causing a fracas.
A fracas or diversion to take our eyes from God's Word,
so we are no longer sure of what we've heard.

By making us think we know more than we do,
and us wasting time trying to change each other's view.
Now is the time for us all to be of one accord,
so we can be of the utmost use to our Lord.

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