The Consequence of Our Actions
by Barbara Philbrook

The consequences of our actions must be faced,
no one can do this in our place.
We each make choices each and every day,
choices that effect our lives in some way.

Then comes the time to face the consequences of our act,
this my friend is a simple fact.
Do I stop what I'm doing to help a friend,
or do I hope he has someone else on whom to depend?

Do I visit a relative who has not felt his best,
is what I want to do really important or is this a test?
Do I share with another what has been given to me,
or do I hang on to what is mine stingily?

Do I share my testimony and what I know to be true,
or do I figure there is some searching they need to do?
Is the inclination to do good God speaking to me,
or the other voice the one I should follow willingly?

Choices to make every day of my life,
and the consequences of each brings me joy or strife.
I've chosen to follow God's loving direction,
and to serve Him daily in complete subjection.

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