I Have A Talent
by Barbara Philbrook

Did God gave a talent to you to use,
now is this a gift you wish to abuse?
Whether or not to use it is up to you,
but unused talent is often lost 'tis true.

To have an ability to do something for God,
and to totally ignore it seems rather odd.
It is up to each and every woman or man,
to decide how they fit into God's mighty plan.

Does God have in mind something special to do,
did He give a special talent to you?
Do you wish to serve Our Father,
instead accomplishing nothing as you work harder?

Call out to the Father seeking to understand,
how you too fit into His Great Master Plan.
Be willing to do just as you are directed,
your joy will be far greater than ever expected.

We each must surrender with our whole heart,
before the work God has for us can start.
We have to determine heart and soul,
that what we desire to give God is completely whole.

Holding back nothing of our inner self,
desiring to serve Him not to increase our wealth.
A talent meant to reach the soul of man,
God awaits your surrender to do that you can.

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