Something's Wrong
by Barbara Philbrook

Something's wrong or about to be,
at least that is what I feel inside of me.
I learned so very long ago,
no matter what is happening God is in control.

There is nothing that can happen to me,
that my Heavenly Father didn't foresee.
Having known me before I was born,
He's known everything that's ever gone on.

He's known and had total control,
and my surrender to Him is completely whole.
Though God doesn't cause bad to befall me,
sometimes in His wisdom He allows it to be.

Every incident that has ever occurred,
God uses for my good I'm told in His Word.
So no matter what is coming my way,
I entrust it to my Heavenly Father today.

It too shall be used for good,
so I'll continue to trust God as I know I should.
Something's wrong or feels that way,
I'll just surrender it to God as I kneel to pray.

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