Sickness and Sorrow
by Barbara Philbrook

Sickness and sorrow pain and grief,
if I didn't know God there would be no relief.
But oh how much I've been blessed,
and it fills my heart with such happiness.

No matter what trials I have to face,
it seems God has got the solution in place.
Before I know what I even need,
God has provided it without me having to plead.

Each day there's a choice to make,
whether a negative or positive attitude I'll take.
It is always totally up to me,
whether the good or bad in this world I desire to see.

It is how I determine to feel each day,
that helps me see life in a positive way.
It is looking for the good in every circumstance,
not leaving my bliss up to chance.

Sickness and sorrow pain and grief,
I praise God this life is promised to be brief.
Just the twinkling of an eye is all it will be,
then on to be with the Father for eternity.

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