Only You Lord
by Barbara Philbrook

Only You Lord can get us through this sorrow,
otherwise the pain would erase our every tomorrow.
Without the grace you so lovingly provide,
we'd dwell on the anguish eradicating us inside.

Nothing in us can console the grief we feel,
but we're assured the "Peace That Passeth Understanding Is Real".
There is this unquenchable ache deep in our heart,
that without Your grace would tear us apart.

But we've been promised we'd be given no more than we can bear,
and that if we but call out You'll hear.
Our inclination is to want to die too,
but we must remember we are to trust completely in You.

Nothing bad emanates from The Father,
but the faith we need is His gift not gained by our trying harder.
By our surrendering at the start of each new day,
nothing can overcome us in a negative way.

Only You Lord can get us through this unbearable sorrow,
by helping us to dwell instead on Heaven's Tomorrow.
Motivating us daily to be the very best we can be,
knowing that we'll be reunited again for eternity.

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