There Are No Guarantees
by Barbara Philbrook

There are no guarantees when you accept salvation,
that you will never face tribulation.
Life does not become a bed of roses without thorns,
Satan is not a cartoon with horns.

There are no guarantees that making this decision,
frees you from trials stress or derision.
Problems will constantly be part of your life,
we each have to face some daily strife.

There or no guarantees life will become easier,
that people will be nicer instead of sleazier.
The enemy will be maligning you,
trying to make you doubt what you know to be true.

But strengthened by the comforter in your heart,
whom Jesus left when He had to depart.
You will be able to make a mighty stand,
assured God has you in the Palm of His hand.

Then when we stand before Him on Judgment Day,
He will proudly smile at you and say.
There were no guarantees but you made it anyway,
because you surrendered to Me each and every day!

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