It Makes Me Extremely Sad
by Barbara Philbrook

It makes me extremely sad,
to see other people suffering so bad.
It tears my heart in two,
that so many have such a negative view.

It makes me wish I could whisk it away,
instead all I'm able to do is pray.
Pray that their eyes will open wide,
and they'll soon invite Jesus to abide.

To abide within where it matters most,
so they will be led by the Holy Ghost.
There is no happiness in this world of sin,
any to be found will be found within.

Found where Jesus desires to abide,
if you will but believe and invite Him inside.
He's offering us each perfect solace you see,
along with life with Him for eternity.

It makes me sad that you hurt so much,
when you too can receive His loving touch.
Please seek for the truth available to you,
along with it comes inner tranquility too!

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