Just Met
by Barbara Philbrook

Just met yet I know we will be friends for eternity,
you share my greatest concern will my children be in Heaven with me.
So much in the world on which we could concentrate,
but of this one fact there is no room for debate.

We want our children to be in Heaven for eternity,
nothing else seems important to you or me.
We offer them up in prayer each time it comes to mind,
we ask that God's precious truths they'll each find.

We live our lives in an exemplary way,
hoping they will desire to follow in our footsteps some day.|
But yet we are each painfully aware,
nothing we can do for them will guarantee they'll be there.

Each one of them has to do this on their very own,
just as the Holy Word of God has made known.
Their eyes will be opened the truth made clear,
then each must choose if they want to be there.

Choose if they will believe and thereby receive,
the salvation which only God's precious love could conceive.
It's not something over which we fret,
we've put our trust in God and haven't been let down yet.

We'll both go on serving with our hearts elated,
for God's undying love can not be debated.
We'll be here to remind each other of that love,
till we're called home to be with God above.

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