I Was Hurt
by Barbara Philbrook

I was hurt holding anger inside,
because this someone had wounded my pride.

I tried to forgive them and put it to rest,
but I sadly failed though I did my best.

Father help me I can't do this on my own,
so I'm bringing it to you as You've shown.

Forgive them through me Father I ask,
give me a peace over this situation that'll last.

Help me to learn a lesson today,
help me to learn to leave things with You as I pray.

Help me to see that responding in the flesh,
always results in such uselessness.

Grant me enough grace to be tenacious,
and adequate love to be forgiving and gracious.

The discernment to know what I should do,
so that I may bring Honor and Glory to You.

Help me remember that I must surrender each day,
if I am ever going to do it Your way.

I was hurt but then brought pain to You,
when I didn't respond the way You tell us to.

Thank You Father for forgiving me,
and for opening my eyes so these truths I could see.

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