I Want More
by Barbara Philbrook

I've been saved had my sins washed away,
I've been changed in such an incredible way.

I've been so abundantly and lovingly blessed,
and I am over flowing with happiness.

I've been anointed to serve our God whom I adore,
and now I tell you I want more.

I want to serve God better than I do,
I want show the world God's love is true.

I want to be all that I can ever be,
I want the world to know they have this opportunity.

I want to surrender before each new day's start,
I want a more compassionate heart.

I want to love others more unconditionally,
just the same way that God loves me.

I want to reach those hurting and in pain,
revealing to them what they too can attain.

I want to see hope in lives that once saw none,
I want to introduce them to God's Son.

I want them to grasp that they have a choice,
that must be made with their own voice.

I want to share what was done for me,
and that Jesus is waiting on them so patiently.

I want to come home but not just me,
I want to bring home the rest of humanity.

I want more than I am entitled to,
but I know in my heart God wants this too.

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