I've Lost God
by Barbara Philbrook

I've Lost God is what you said,
now who but Satan could put that thought in your head?
God is not lost nor will He ever be,
God is forever and always right beside us you see.

God is forever and always that is the fact,
for us to feel otherwise we've turned our back.
But that's okay He's still right there,
willing you to turn around and see He does care.

God does not will even one would be lost,
so much so He allowed Jesus to pay the cost.
Pay the cost of our wretched sin,
then He revealed the truth so we could invite Jesus in.

In to abide deep in our heart,
where the changes that are needed He can bring to a start.
Never to quit nor to turn away,
listening attentively to hear each of our requests as we pray.

Satan wants you to feel there's no way out,
he wants to fill your head with clouds of doubt.
But he's a liar wanting to steal your salvation,
get you down and spoil your exhilaration.

The excitement of knowing you are saved,
because Jesus died and overcame the grave.
So stomp your foot turn yourself around,
grinding that old enemy deep into the ground.

Claim your victory giving God the praise,
overcoming that old enemy for all your days.
God's not lost He's got you in the palm of His hand,
shaping your life just as He planned.

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