Nothing Is Insignificant
by Barbara Philbrook

Nothing is insignificant not even a lowly sparrow,
God knows and provides for their every tomorrow.
Not the prettiest or the mightiest does it happen to be,
but God mentions him in the Word to show His love's consistency.

Our Father provides the wee bird's every single need,
without it's having to request beg or plead.
How much more than will He do for You and I,
what more proof do we need than having our Savior die?

God does not make mistakes each of us were meant to be,
and God has a place for us a special destiny.
God does not will even one soul be lost to Him,
we must accept and surrender before our salvation can begin.

Seek yea first the Kingdom of God is what we're told to do,
then your every need will be given unto you.
Nothing is insignificant to Our Father above,
least of all His children whom He beckons with love.

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