How Long?
by Barbara Philbrook

How long? they ask as they tearfully gaze at me,
but there are things that God has hidden from us you see.
I do not have the answer nor for certain can I ever know,
this is information my Bible does not show.

I know that there is a time each of us will pass on,
that is as certain as night is followed by dawn.
I know there are choices that each of us must make,
and there are areas where there is no room for mistakes.

I know there are promises made for each of us to claim,
and that to receive them we call on Jesus' name.
I know there are areas over which we have no control,
and I am assured God loves every living soul.

Time is immaterial it's what we do that matters you see,
do we accept salvation and live on eternally.
Do we surrender fully giving God complete control,
so He can use us daily to beckon other wandering souls?

It's not "How Long" but how well we understand,
that each and everyone of us is in the master's hand.
Being shaped and molded into what we should be,
before we are called Home to be with Him for eternity.

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