He is Alive!
by Barbara Philbrook

We may not be able to imagine Heaven or it's bliss,
but one day He's coming for us I assure you of this.

He's coming whether or not we are prepared,
coming for those over whom He so lovingly cared.

We may not comprehend the deep meaning of life,
but by leaning on Him we are relieved of strife.

The situation may not change right away,
but we're so at peace with Him we can see the Light of day.

We may not discern fact from fiction on our own,
but by surrendering to Him our true destiny is known.

Our destiny which is often called fate,
which He hopes we'll partake of before it's too late.

We are unable to fathom all that He went through,
to pay for salvation for the likes of me and you.

Our finite minds can not conceive,
what it takes the Holy Spirit's interpretation for us to believe.

We can not appreciate what separation from His Father cost,
nor the agony He suffered while on the cross.

The agony of the entire world's despicable sin,
all being brought together and endured solely by Him.

We may not understand the ways of The Master,
but by trusting in Him we progress so much faster.

Progress to a point where we become fit to use,
in whatever manner or service He may choose.

He is alive and doing it all for us you see,
so we can all one day be together for eternity!

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