To God Be The Glory
by Barbara Philbrook

To God be the glory for all that He's done,
we could have all been lost had it not been for His son.
We could all be wallowing in sin's muck and mire,
if our salvation had not been God's heartfelt desire.

Not that we deserved even the slightest consideration,
man has been sin filled since just after creation.
But our God does not judge by what shows on the outside,
our shameful greed and our selfish pride.

God judges by what's deep in our heart,
He made the salvation plan and invites us to take part.
He has this plan and presents it to all,
then assures us He'll honor each person willing to call.

Sin is sin there is no degree,
even the slightest transgression will cause one to burn for eternity.
Call on the Father believing in His Son,
tell Him you accept and instantly the changing is begun.

The changes are made by the Holy Spirit from inside,
where upon salvation He comes to reside.
You needn't be fearful God loves each and everyone,
so much so He willingly sent us His Son.

He is no respecter of persons He loves us all equally,
He'll do for you exactly as He's done for me.
Then we can join together giving Him the praise and Glory,
as we share with the world His Salvation Story.

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