Do You Get It?
by Barbara Philbrook

Do you get it, do you understand?
Do you comprehend the depth of God's love for Man?

Jesus was present at creation,
it wasn't in Mary's womb that He became a realization.

He left His Father after the world was made,
so the price of our sins would be paid.

He came to Earth and lived amongst men,
till He was crucified buried and rose up again.

Stop for a moment Do You Understand,
just what was given up for the sake of man.

It's a waste of time thinking on this,
for eye hath not seen nor can we imagine Heavenly Bliss.

But think in perspective to life as we know it,
do you love your enemy so much you'd die to show it.

Would you react to being beaten beyond recognition,
or would you stand humbly by in total submission?

Could you allow those you intended to save,
to unmercifully kill you and put you in a grave?

Keep in mind He had Legions of Angels at His beck and call,
each anxious and willing to put a stop to it all.

In my imagination the hardest part for me,
would have been the separation from the Heavenly Farther even momentarily.

No matter how long I imagine no matter how hard I try,
I'll never comprehend what it cost Jesus to come here and die.

But I can make sure it wasn't for naught,
by accepting salvation and surrendering as taught.

Now my part is sharing what was done for you,
and to invite you to accept your salvation too.

Do you get it do you fully understand,
you too were died for you are part of the plan.

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