Free To Worship
by Barbara Philbrook

We are so fortunate to be free,
we can worship to any degree.
In some countries worship carries retribution,
even some have suffered execution.
We are free to meet as often as we please,
we can stand sit or fall to our knees.
We can lift our hands and voices to the Lord,
why we are free to dance or applaud.
Free to meet any nights we so desire,
and on Sundays our hearts are really afire.
We can attend alone or bring a friend or two,
we're so Blessed to do anything we want to.
Yet folks stay home feeling it's too much to ask,
that attending more often is a task.
I am Blessed each time I enter the door,
and when facing trials I'm Blessed even more.
You can't stop me nor keep me away,
I love to attend Church where I'm free to worship and pray.

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