Father I've Drifted
by Barbara Philbrook

Father I've drifted away from you,
I've become lax in what I say and do.

I've read of a promise so fine,
once started the good work continues till the end of time.

You never give up You are continually there,
just waiting to hear our surrendering prayer.

Well my eyes are opened and I can clearly see,
there have been mistakes made by me.

I drifted away and left you behind,
now I seek Your help so the way back I find.

I know it's Your will not even one be lost,
I ask You Father bring me back to the cross.

Fill me with an insatiable hunger and desire,
start in me an unquenchable fire.

I surrender my all holding nothing back,
please provide all that I lack.

Father I've drifted but all is not lost,
Jesus paid for my sinfulness on the cross.

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