He Did It For You
by Barbara Philbrook

You were a witness to a miracle today,
God intended it to happen just that way.

There is something God intended you to see,
that nothing to Him is an impossibility.

Lost in the river lying on the bed below,
it's exact location impossible for us to know.

Water so murky it limits man's visibility,
making it absolutely impossible to see.

Chain and anchor both heavy to prevent drag,
having very little rope available to snag.

A little hook on the end of a line,
then too the currant moving the water this whole time.

What are the chances of rescuing the anchor that way,
one in a million at most I'd say.

But through His great love for you,
God let you see nothing is too hard for Him to do.

There is something special in what happened today,
do not let it's awesomeness slip away.

What an Majestic God we serve,
He does so much more for us than we deserve.

He did it for you so you could see,
that rescue is possible when we're lost in obscurity.

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