Count It As Joy
by Barbara Philbrook

Count it as joy when I am not here anymore,
because I'll be in Heaven enjoying Blessings galore.

I'll be with those who have gone on ahead,
to a home where there will never be anything to dread.

Profound happiness is what I'll feel,
and I'll be filled with a new energizing zeal.

I will be Blessed to be able to sing at last,
something I couldn't do in the past.

Never to feel pain or sorrow again,
never to be rejected by a loved one or a friend.

Never again to regret being on this Earth,
not even to feel that I haven't any self worth.

Never again to wonder "What's wrong with me",
no longer repulsing others unwillingly.

I remember feeling an emptiness deep inside,
now gone since inviting Jesus in to abide.

I no longer worry about what others think,
since that "Living Water" I was allowed to drink.

I no longer live in paralyzing fear and dread,
I look toward Heaven's Tomorrow instead.

Please don't shed tears or feel any regret,
I've been saved by Jesus on this you can bet.

2nd Cor.5:8 gives us reason to applaud,
for when we're "Absent from the body we're present with the Lord".

Count it as joy when I you no longer can see,
for I'll be with Our Heavenly Father for Eternity.

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