Continual Bliss
by Barbara Philbrook

When I think of how blessed I am,
to have discovered and accepted the salvation plan.

When I think of where I may have been ,
if I hadn't accepted Jesus right there and then.

I could be so lost and steeped in sin,
that even the love of God couldn't get in.

When I think of not being able to serve,
my loving Savior whom I don't deserve.

When I think of what He did for me,
suffering as He did so I could live for eternity.

My spirits are lifted my heart starts to soar,
as I contemplate how I can do more.

Do more to spread the truth to my fellow man,
sharing with them the salvation plan.

Inviting them too to partake of His love,
in hopes they'll one day be with us above.

The joy and elation I have as I think on this,
keeps me in a state of continual Bliss.

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