by Barbara Philbrook

There are consequences to everything we do,
so Lord I ask for guidance from You.
So many years invested thus far,
now the thing He's considering will inflict a scar.

Life has a way of appearing dull,
just because we have reached this quiet lull.
Just because rockets aren't bursting,
just for the excitement for which He's thirsting.

His eyes have strayed away from the nest,
and we've arrived upon this character test.
He's setting an example for our family,
of how to cause untold pain and agony.

Of how to put one's worldly desires,
before that for which a family truly aspires.
He's made a choice which will effect all our lives,
not considering how we'll survive.

Thinking of self and His carnal hunger,
throwing all we've been building asunder.
Lord give me wisdom so I may see,
how I can now be the strength for our family.

Open my mind so I may know,
exactly the way You would have me to go.
Give me forgiveness within my heart,
and help me to see that I too played a part.

A part in causing us to loose what we once had,
a truth that makes me so very sad.
Help me Lord please see me through,
may my every action bring Honor and Glory to You.

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