My Children's Pain
by Barbara Philbrook

My children's pain and anguish are so hard for me to see,
I wish I could ease it or bear it all on me.
Oh how well I remember the day my Daddy died,
and the anguish I suffered as I was torn apart inside.

I remember thinking "I can't possibly go on",
I wasn't mature enough to know there is God to lean upon.
I remember the pain as though it were yesterday,
and times through the years I wished he'd been able to stay.

I remember my graduation and how I wished he's been there,
and at my wedding no dance for us to share.
Oh and when my babies came into this world,
how the pain of missing him once again was unfurled.

How through their lives as each new adventure we'd share,
I'd think of Daddy and wish he were there.
I'd lost my perspective there's one thing I didn't see,
Daddy's in my heart so he went through it all with me.

When at last we're reunited and my joys with him I share,
we'll rejoice together as though he'd been there.
My children's pain isn't one I can take away,
but I can help them through it as I lovingly kneel to pray.

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