Bless The Shepherd
by Barbara Philbrook

Bless the Shepherd of this flock,
help Him in his daily walk.
Guide Him every step of the way,
giving Him the right words to say.

Grant Him the discernment He will need,
so with thy work He can proceed.
Allow us to hear the wisdom He portrays,
and to be influenced by His loving ways.

May we lift Him up before You,
that He is Blessed in everything He attempts to do.
Place a hedge of protection around Him night and day,
to keep Him safe in every way.

Open our minds that we may comprehend,
every enlightening message You send.
Cast out all doubt and hardness of  heart,
so each of us can truly do our part.

Help us see any imperfection within,
and to surrender them so any changing can begin.
May we be a flock worthy to be called Your Own,
because we followed the way our Shepherd has shown.

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