Being High
by Barbara Philbrook

A Chemical High is a temporary elation,
brought on by using chemical stimulation.

What the pushers purposely neglect to say,
is that these good feelings go away.

Then you must increase your daily take,
so another euphoric trip you can make.

There is no way to escape the diabolic snare,
in which some are entangled so unaware.

To avoid the trapping of your body and mind,
you must avoid drugs of any kind.

Oh you'll hear some aren't addictive,
they just make your life easier to live.

But that is a lie to catch you in the snare,
I caution you my friend Please Beware!

And if you've already given in and been caught,
there's a way out the Bible has taught.

Jesus is the way the truth and the light,
call on Him and He'll make things right.

He'll forgive us of the sins of the past,
and provide strength and wisdom to us at last.

We'll no longer be tempted beyond what we can resist,
if we but cry out to Jesus to assist.

He provides grace sufficient to see us through,
and calling out His name is all we must do.

Surrender yourself entirety to Him,
and  that old enemy Satan won't defeat you ever again.

Then you too will be spreading the word,
of the purest High that's ever occurred.

Being High because we serve a Mighty Savior,
who died to save us despite our behavior.

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