A Lifetime
by Barbara Philbrook

A life time how long it seems to be,
but it's the twinkling of an eye compared to eternity.

The twinkling of an eye or a speck in time,
the rest of eternity will be absolutely sublime.

Time spent at home with our Heavenly Father,
not here where life gets harder and harder.

Time to be with those who've gone on before,
all of us worshiping God whom we adore.

Time to converse with the saints of old,
listening enthralled as their testimonies unfold.

Hearing and learning as we absorb it all,
those of us who responded to the Savior's call.

A life time here may seem long to us,
and often we may fall into the temptation to fuss.

But them I'm reminded that time is relative you see,
nothing here compared to eternity.

When I'm in pain or just want to give in,
I remind myself soon my eternal life will begin.

I then look on things a little differently,
for I know this is nothing compared to eternity.

I've heard it said and I've read it before,
we've no idea at all what God has in store.

Eye hath not seen nor imagination portrayed,
what's ahead for those who knelt and prayed.

A lifetime surrendered to God is never a loss,
because Jesus died that day on the cross.

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