An Ache In My Heart
by Barbara Philbrook

An ache in my heart but joy in my soul,
since absent from the body is present with the Lord we're told.
You are not sick and not suffering pain anymore,
you are Home with our Savior whom you adore.

Being given a crown for all of the good you have done,
every act having been recorded every last one.
Receiving recognition for the love you've bestowed,
and acknowledgment for the attributes of God you showed.

Greeting and being greeted by those gone on before,
never to have to miss your Mama anymore.
Being able to see Jesus face to face,
to be able to give Him praise for helping you run life's race.

Now you are Home of that there is no debate,
and I look forward to meeting you at the gate.
An ache in my heart because I'll miss you for sure,
but joy in my soul because we know what's in store.

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