Accepting and Repenting
by Barbara Philbrook

I heard of a place called Calvary,
and how the Savior died for you and me.

I mistakenly thought I could earn my way,
till I read what Jesus had to say.

It's written clearly for all to see,
Salvation is offered to each of us for free.

All confessed sin was forgiven at the cross,
God does not will that even one soul be lost.

Salvation is not earned nor can it be bought,
heartfelt repentance is how it is sought.

One confesses and repents of all past sin,
opens their heart and invites Jesus in.

Confession of the belief that is felt in your heart,
make the changes needed able to start.

All of this was revealed by the Father above,
it's all a part of His unconditional love.

I fell to my knees feeling so contrite,
desiring so sincerely to make it all right.

There's one thing of which I am sure,
I've been forgiven by my Savior whom I adore.

I'm Born Again cleansed of past sin,
ever since hearing the truth and inviting Jesus in.

I've been forgiven I'm free at last,
no longer shackled by the sins I committed in the past.

We have an eternity to look forward to,
and accepting and repenting is all we have to do

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